The Most Important Relationship

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Relationships. That's what humans were created for. We are social beings. The main reason God created us was for fellowship with Him. Unfortunately, when sin entered the world, we became separated from God. It's like an allergy. When you have an allergy, you can't be close to the thing that triggers your allergy. That's what happens with God and sin. They just don't click.

Several years later, God came on earth to rescue us from our own mistakes. He didn't have to, but because of the depth of His love for us, He laid down his life. He took our sins and punishment and laid them on the cross for us. He sacrificed his life so we could have new life in him. The amazing part of it all is that he restored our fellowship with Him.

Now, we can relate to him as we related to him in the Garden of Eden. All we need to do is to invite Him into our lives. God created us for fellowship with Him. That's our main purpose. That's why we feel lost and cold without Him. God doesn't force us to choose Him. He has given us his free will. We can choose Him or live our lives without Him.

Without Him, life becomes meaningless. He brings the meaning we need in life. All we have to do is invite Him and begin a relationship with Him.

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