What If We Were Real?

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Honesty. This word is weighty. The idea of being honest scares many of us. It is really difficult to find that one person you can tell everything to. This is especially difficult to those who have been betrayed. In modern times, everything is virtual. Nothing seems real. We have social media sites where anyone can pose as a different person from who he or she truly is. We hide behind usernames, pictures and bios. We don't know the real person behind the usernames.

The same thing is existent in our lives. Many of us hide our flaws and weaknesses. On the  outside, it looks as if everything is going on well but inside we are broken. I think many of us find it difficult to be honest because we have  trust issues. We don't think we can trust anyone because we think they would spread our failures and problems to others.

Being honest is also difficult because we are afraid of the criticisms we would face. Case scenario: You have become addicted to drugs and would like to get help from a friend. The first thing that friend would do is to start scrutinizing you, asking questions about how and why you got into drugs. The next thing that friend would probably say is that he or she is disappointed in you and never  have expected you to do this. You may not like to go to that friend again for help.

The Bible says we should confess our sins to one another that we may be healed. There is a form of healing and help we receive when we are honest. 1 John 1 : 9 says

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Forgiveness comes only when we confess our sins to God. Without confession, we cannot be forgiven. In Matthew 26: 36 -46, Jesus Christ goes with his three closest friends further into Gethsemane while the other disciples were sitting at the entrance. Jesus Christ was honest with them and he said to them," My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." (verse 38) Jesus Christ did not hide his pain and agony from his friends. He even asked them for help to keep watch with him.

Being honest is scary. It really is. Telling someone our greatest fears and our darkest secrets requires a lot of boldness. Confession is the only way we can get healing. Obviously, not everyone can be trusted. Jesus Christ showed his pain and flaws only to his closest friends.

 The next time you need to share your problems with anyone, pray about it first, take a bold step of faith and be honest with that person i.e. someone you really trust. If you think you can't trust anyone, ask God to lead you to a trustworthy friend.

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