Better To Obey

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God's Word contains promises, counsel and many rules and regulations. God doesn't give us rules just because He has the power to. He does so for our own good. In Genesis 3:1-8, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, thinking that God was preventing them from "being like Him and knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5)

The result was a curse (Genesis 3:16-19) and eternal separation from God. (Genesis 3:23-24) God knows what is best for us and gives us commandments in order to protect us. Exodus 20:15 says "You shall not steal "

Stealing is a crime against the laws of the state. You could be jailed for it. God also tells us to flee from sexual immorality. Sexual immorality causes STDs. Also, girls could have unwanted pregnancies. Even though it's easier doing the wrong thing, living pure is much more rewarding.

All in all, God wants the best for us. His commandments are given in our best interests. He is not preventing us from living life to the fullest. God wants us to seek Him first in all we do (Matthew 6:33)

God knows that our flesh is weak, that is why He has given us His Holy Spirit  to teach us all things and guide us into all truth (John 14:26)

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