Love Redefined

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The basic idea of love has a lot to do with feelings, emotions, butterflies and all that. I ask myself, "What happens when the feeling fades? Will the love still last?" I think the reason that many relationships are broken is that people don't understand the true meaning of love.

Love is deeper than feelings. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 13. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not selfish. It is not rude. It is not boastful. It does not envy. These qualities aren't experienced or seen instantly or at first sight. They are developed over time.

Everyday, you learn something new about the other person. You learn to be patient with him or her. You learn to be kind. You learn not to be boastful, but to be humble. Love is a journey. You learn more about the other person and your love keeps growing and growing.

Love takes effort. Love is doing. The highest form of love is the love Jesus Christ showed, giving up his own life for us.

John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

He died so we could come closer to him. He gave his all for us. No other love can compare to this. To know the deepest, truest form of love, we need to go back to the one who demonstrated it. Only God can show us how to truly love.The basic idea of love has a lot to do with feelings, emotions, butterflies and all that. I ask myself, "What happens when the feeling fades? Will the love still last?" I think the reason that many relationships are broken is that people don't understand the true meaning of love.

He died so we could come closer to him. He gave his all for us. No other love can compare to this. To know the deepest, truest form of love, we need to go back to the one who demonstrated it. Only God can show us how to truly love.

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