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Princess Carmen of United States of Auradon. My brother being Prince Ben of course and recently we've been notified that we'd be accepting villains into our school. I was more than excited since I tend to be quite the loner half the time. See I'm not as much of a goody-goody like my brother, I like to be adventurous and I can be a little mischievous. I don't even like wearing dresses if I'm being honest but my mother insists I cannot wear pants to every event. I'm not a full tomboy but I do wear skirts when I feel like it, any who if you ask me this has been one hell of an introduction so let's just get right into things.

My obnoxious alarm woke me up, I had to be up earlier than usual just because I'dbeen put on the welcoming committee. Unfortunately with Audrey and Ben, Audrey and I basically can't stand each other and if I could legally turn her into an ant and step on her I would but somebody would eventually discover she's gone and since I make sure everybody knows I don't like her all fingers would point at me. I snapped out of my thoughts going to shower and put on my outfit for the day, after lingering in my closet for a while I chose (Picture in MM). 'Perfect' I thought to myself as I stepped out of my room and making my way down to the main entrance of the school. I had heard stories about all the descendants, first there was Mal who I was going to enjoy getting to know. Then we had Evie, and she and I had such compatible personalities that I was sure we'd be friendly. Then we had Jay who was going to make me check my pockets every 5 seconds, then last but not least we had Carlos who may be just as crazy as his mother but I would hope not because I really love my dog Charlie. I was snapped out of my thoughts by hearing footsteps approaching.

Ben: How'd you beat me down here?

Carmen: Aren't you proud of me? I set an alarm and everything

Ben: I knew you were excited and all but I didn't think I'd see the day where Carmen was on time for something

Carmen: Haha

Ben: I knew you'd dress like that though

Carmen: Glad you know and your little girlfriend better not say anything about it

Ben: You already know she is

Carmen: That means you shouldn't be shocked if I turn her into an insect

Ben: Please don't, I don't know why mother and father ever let you practice magic.

I smiled at him as he sat down beside me and eventually I heard Audrey's obnoxious voice and I rolled my eyes as Ben stood up and greeted her.

Audrey: Well hello Carmen

Carmen: Hey

Audrey: You should fit in greatly with these hoodlums, you even dressed similar to them

Ben: Audrey!

Audrey: Sorry love but it needed to be said, it's not too late to say 'no' to accepting these-these people into our lovely school

Carmen: Hey Audrey I was having a great morning until you showed up so if you could stop talking before I glue your lips together that would be great!

Audrey: You wouldn't!

Carmen: Test me

I shot her a glare and sure enough she stopped talking, eventually all 4 of the students showed up and I wanted to be the first to greet them.

Carmen: Welcome to Auradon, I'm Princess Carmen and those 2 back there would be Prince Ben and his mentally challenged girlfriend Princess Audrey.

Mal: You're a princess?

Evie: You don't look like one, well I mean you look like one you just don't dress like one or act like one

Carmen: I'm different. Anyway the 3 of us will be giving you a tour of the school and giving you the gist of things around here. *whispers* just between the 5 of us it can get pretty hellish but as long as you know how to have a little fun then it won't get to bad.

They all smirked at each other then I turned around walking towards my brother and Audrey. I folded my arms waiting for Ben to start talking.

Ben: I'm not sure what Carmen has put in your head but I would just like to say Welcome. If I'm correct your names are Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Mal.

Evie: Well you should know our names shouldn't you

Mal: Especially if you're the one who invited us

Jay: Can we let Carmen do all the talking? I like her

Carlos: Yea I like that idea

Audrey: *mumbles* of course you do

Carmen: I will still glue your lips shut that's my final warning... now let's get going with this tour.

We led them through our lovely campus until finally we came to a stopping point and Ben turned around with Audrey never leaving his side.

Ben: Well Carmen I think it's best if you show them to their dorms and then take them to get their schedules. I'm sure fairy-godmother would love to meet them

Audrey: I thought we were doing that, all they're going to do is cause mischief. Before you know it the whole school will be destroyed

With a swift movement of my hand her lips were glued shut. She began panicking as Ben pleaded with me to undo it.

Carlos: You have magic

Evie: Awesome

Mal: You guys act like you've never seen magic! I have an entire spell book for crying out loud

Jay: Yea but hers is cooler

She glared at him making me smile as I rolled my eyes and used the same swift movement to undo the little trick.

Carmen: Follow me guys

ALRIGHT! We're finally back, with another story! I do have multiple in the works but they are not ready to be shared with the world quite yet so this is just something for you guys to marinate on while I prepare the main courses! Excuse any errors🤦🏾‍♀️

Love you all! Hope you enjoy the story and be sure to check out my other ones! XOXO


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