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|Mal's POV|

After getting our schedules and meeting the fairy-godmother we were led to our dorms by Carmen. If you asked me she seemed like a pretty decent girl but my mother had warned me to be cautious of the people at this school so I wasn't just going to accept her automatically.

Evie: Mal are you even listening to me?

Mal: Sorry I was thinking

Evie: This place isn't at all what I expected

Mal: I know but we just got here and haven't even experienced everything in depth yet so we can't-

Evie: You love it just as much as I do so please stop with all the seriousness. *whispers* we'll never get anywhere near the wand if you keep acting like that. Loosen up a little will you?

I sighed but nodded as she removed the crown from her head placing it on the dresser. She wiped her hands on her dress before looking at me with a smirk.

Evie: Now you know we can decorate the rooms however we'd like. So I need a hand

I gave her a grin as I got off my bed and we got to rearranging things the way we'd like it. Maybe Evie was right, but I couldn't lose track of what was important. I didn't want to disappoint my mother at all.

|Carlos' POV|

I tried not to stare at her but how could you not, she was gorgeous and most definitely not your average princess. She pushed open our room doors letting Jay and I enter

Carmen: Alright so you guys are lucky because you don't have to start class until tomorrow. I on the other hand have to get going so if there is anything you need I'm room #238.

Jay: We're actually kind of hungry

Carmen: I would take you to lunch but I don't think the good chef is here today so I don't think it'll kill to go into the kitchen for a while.

Carlos: I'm down

Jay: Meet you guys down there

Carmen: Jay

Jay: Yea

Carmen: If you steal anything, you will lose your hands

Jay: *gulps* understood

Carmen: Let's go Carlos

How can somebody as gorgeous as her be so intimidating? Maybe it was her icy glare, but her eyes were so beautiful that getting lost in them didn't seem like such a bad thing

Carmen: You ok?

Carlos: Oh me, yea I'm good.

Carmen: So Carlos tell me a little about yourself

Carlos: I mean there isn't much to know

Carmen: Well what's something that nobody knows about you?

Carlos: It's kind of embarrassing *scratches back of head*

Carmen: It can't be that bad. I promise I won't make fun of you

She extended her pinky which confused me, and I just looked at her hand making her raise her eyebrow at me.

Carmen: It's called a pinky promise. It's what people do when they make a solid promise, and I never break my promises. You lock your pinky with mines, like this. *demonstrates* see

Her hands were so soft, she gave me a soft smile which I returned before she slid her pinky away from mine.

Carmen: So what's the secret?

Carlos: I'm kind of scared of dogs

Carmen: Really?

Carlos: Yea it's weird I know

Carmen: I've heard weirder things, so really it's not that big a deal. But I do have a dog and we have a couple in the castle. Maybe I can help you over-come your fear of dogs

Carlos: I'd like that

She pushed open a door and revealed the kitchen where she pulled out some sandwiches from the fridge and slid one to me and soon Jay entered and she tossed one to him.

Carmen: Jay

Jay: Yea?

Carmen: Forgive me for not being as trustworthy on the first day but I'd like to know whether or not you stole anything. And please be warned I HATE being lied too

Jay: I swear I didn't

Carmen: I believe you

We went from eating our sandwiches to having a food-fight, our laughing was interrupted by fairy-godmother entering and clearing her throat and a piece of food that Carmen had already thrown landed right on her forehead.

Fairy-godmother: On your first day you'd think you wouldn't be into too much trouble

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