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|Carlos' POV|

Carmen and I walked a little bit ahead of the rest of the group. My thoughts consuming me, causing me to be silent.

Carmen: Are you alright babe?

Carlos: Yea, just got a lot on my mind.

Carmen: Class is cancelled tomorrow so maybe tomorrow we can get that date in

Carlos: Yea definitely

I don't wanna distance myself from her because that won't make it any better. I just wish I'd met her on different circumstances. I thought about words from a person who's name shall not be spoken 'You really think she'll fall in love with you, her being a princess and you being a villain, people fear you and people adore her. You 2 are polar opposites, it'll never work out. She will never be yours' and as of now that was my one and only desire to be able to call her MINE.

Carmen: We're here

She stopped us from getting to close before using her magic to put the guard to sleep. We walked in and she turned around to face us.

Carmen: Do not and I mean do not touch anything because if you do all of campus security will be here in less than 5 seconds. Understood?

Evie: Jay that message was mainly directed at you

He rolled his eyes and shoved his hand in his pockets as we walked around looking at all the statues of our parents until we took the stairs seeing the wand in an enclosed case.

Carmen: Fairy-godmothers' wand.

Mal: It's everything I imagined it be

Evie: It looks so powerful.....

Carmen: It is

Carlos: You've held it before

Carmen: Only for like 5 seconds, probably less than that. Now that you've seen a majority of the wand can we get out of here?

Mal: Yea let's leave. Carmen isn't there a library downstairs

Carmen: Yea but you have to go in through the stair-case on campus. Why?

Evie: We got a paper to write and we don't pay attention in class

She let out a chuckle as my friends left us alone as we walked slowly back to the dorms. I held her hand wanting to just tell her everything.

Carlos: Why do you like me Carmen?

The question was probably stupid since I'd given her a muffin, I probably needed to reword it a little bit.

Carlos: I mean like before the day we had that mini picnic, what did you see in me?

Carmen: The same thing I see in you now of course. You're very handsome, charming, kind, gentle, funny, and you're honest. You do care about me right?

Carlos: Of course I do

Carmen: Just making sure

Carlos: Carmen I need to tell you something

Carmen: Can it wait because I'm extremely tired? And I don't want to forget about it

Carlos: Yea

Carmen: Goodnight Carlos

Carlos: Goodnight

We walked our separate ways heading to our dorms, the next day was overall the best day I'd ever had with her. She helped me finally overcome my fear of dogs and after doing great with Charlie she introduced me to 'Dude' he talks.

Carmen: He's now your dog, you're his owner. It's my gift to you for being such an amazing boyfriend-I mean.....

Carlos: Carmen will you be my girlfriend?

Carmen: Of course I will. Thank you Carlos

Carlos: For what

Carmen: For being truthful with me since day 1 and never breaking your promises.

My heart sank in my chest until I felt our lips meet, it was something I'd wanted to do the first day I laid eyes on her and it was better then what I could've ever imagined.

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