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The rest of the day was awful and in all my classes with Carmen I usually sat by her but the teacher moved me at her request. My day was literally miserable, even at lunch nobody would sit with us or let us sit with them. I had heard rumors that double-crossing Carmen was basically a death-wish but this isn't what I thought would happen. Suddenly Chad sat in front of us calmly.

Chad: You must've did something really stupid

Evie: Carmen is going to literally kill you if she sees you

Chad: I asked to come over here. What'd you do? Most importantly you

He pointed at me as I stopped chewing my food not responding to him. I shook my head and leaned back in my seat slightly.

Chad: You didn't hear this from me but I overheard her "plan"

Mal: Whether Carmen realizes it or not we're her friends and we really care about her

Jay: She holds a mean grudge

Chad: She's going to finish everything with you Carlos, and I think yours might be the worse out of all of them.

Mal: *out loud* is she going to stop after that? Is she finally going to listen to our explanation and reasoning after that? ANSWER ME CARMEN!

Carmen: You like playing games don't you? I want to play and ask anybody here I don't lose. Times' up Chad

Chad: Will you go to the coronation with me now?

Carmen: I'll think about it ok

He nodded and walked off and she took one last glance at all of us before walking away. Evie glanced at me about to speak but I cut her off getting up and heading in Carmen's direction pinning her against the wall.

Carlos: I'm sorry ok! How many times do you want me to say it? I lo-I really care about you and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you without good reasoning. I didn't even want to do it, but I knew after everything was done you wouldn't want to be with ME. This isn't even the Carmen I know, I want the old Carmen back

Carmen: You know what hurt me the most actually thought that I needed a potion to fall in love with you. I can't forgive you...any of you, because how do I know you won't just hurt me again, you may never see the "old" Carmen again.

My face softened as she pushed me gently and walked off. I sighed as I headed back to my room, I was definitely ready to get out of here, because the only girl I'd ever want isn't mine and it doesn't look like I can do much of anything about it.

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