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We stood there unsure of what to do or how to respond. Carmen cleared her throat stepping up closer to fairy-godmother.

Carmen: Don't be hard on them. It was all my idea, I just wanted them to have a little fun so they wouldn't think this place was to boring. I was trying to help them fit in the only way I know how

Jay: She was just being friendly

Fairy-godmother: You Carmen, were being friendly? Which means you're making friends with the new kids! Oh I'm so proud, just make sure you clean this up and try to do something that doesn't involve making a huge mess.

She smiled happily and Jay and I turned to Carmen obviously confused. She shook her head not wanting to talk about it. With a wave of her hand everything was clean and she headed towards the door.

Carmen: Let's get out of here, I'll catch up with you guys a little later.

Carlos: Bye Carmen and thanks for that

Carmen: Don't mention it

She disappeared and Jay threw his arm around my shoulder as we headed upstairs to our room and laid down on the bed. Soon joined by Evie and Mal who plopped down in the chairs

Mal: What have you guys been doing?

Jay: Getting on Carmen's good side, kind of.

Evie: She's a really nice girl but Mal and I found out where they keep the wand

Mal: They keep it in the museum but it's nearly impossible to get in there. You have to be really, really special

Carlos: I'm sure Carmen can get us in

Mal: I was thinking Ben but ok

Jay: He just said Carmen because he has a crush on her

Carlos: No I don't

Evie: Are you sure? You're kind of defensive

Carlos: I don't like her. I prom-I swear

Mal: Good because we don't need any distractions. Our only focus is getting that wand and getting the heck out of here.

I nodded in agreement, I couldn't promise I didn't like her because I wanted to follow Carmen's example. I didn't want to break my promise

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