going to hell

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6. you're going to hell, michael

I'm going to hell. Definietly, absolutely going straight to hell for thinking about Jessa that way.

I mean, I've never found glasses particularly attractive. But the way she wore them on the bridge of her freckled little nose has me losing my mind. The fucking glasses are the source of my unholy thoughts and the reason why I'll be going to hell. I have to remind myself of this time and time again as the thoughts enter my mind.

Not only is she cute, but she works at the library, meaning she's probably clever. I mean, how did I even find anyone who's so out of my limit in so many ways?

After a bit of stalking, I find her social media profile. Because I wanted to see her face again, I add her Snapchat, hoping she is the type to respond in selfies.

Luke hits me over the head when I sigh over the last snap on my phone. I sent her one first, and not long after she replies with a picture of her pretty self.

"Stop perving."

"She's not underage, fuck off," I say, rolling my eyes.

He just laughs at my reaction. "So you would sleep with her if you got the chance."

"That's not what I meant," I snap at him, but I know that Luke is right. Flirting with her is most definitely wrong. I know that. But she has me intrigued and I want to see more. I mean, she's s great to look at, nobody can deny that.

"Whatever you say," Luke says, plucking a few strings on his guitar.

"Did any drummers call yet?" Calum connects his bass to the amp, testing the sound and then turns the volume up a bit more.

"Nope," I reply, but keep my eyes glued to my phone. I drag my finger down across the display to see if there are any new snaps.

"I wouldn't have either if I saw that poster, to be fair," Calum laughs. It was something Luke had thrown together during his lunch break. It really looked awful.

Luke glares at me, then at Calum, "I'm a musician, not an artist."

"We know," Calum says, patting the blond boy's shoulder.

We rehearse a few songs, and I keep checking my phone after each song, but get let down each time. We are packing up the instruments and getting ready to go, when I receive a text from her.

jessa: do you still need a drummer?

michael: yes!

michael: why, can you drum?

I try to play it cool, when in all honesty I'm freaking out. The tiny, pretty little brunette is a drummer? Fuck. She's full of surprises, and I was just digging myself deeper and deeper. By now I should have come to terms with the fact that I'll be going to hell. Might as well make the most of my life before then.

jessa: no i cant, but i have a friend who can

jessa: i'll tell him about it

It turns out, she's not a drummer, which has me a bit disappointed. I mean, damn the mental image of her beating it out on the drums is something I'd love to see happen. And ever since that image enters my mind, there was no way to make it go away.

I have to know who the friend is. A he, apparently.

michael: okay cool, send him forward

michael: disappointed it wasn't you not gonna lie

jessa: i thought you were a boyband didn't know i could audition

jessa: also i can't play drums soo

michael: we're not a boyband what the fuck

michael: you haven't even heard us

michael: cause you didn't show up last time

jessa: fine lol didn't know that was such a touchy subject

michael: we're punk rock ok?

jessa: great

Groaning, I put my phone back into the pocket of my leather jacket. Boyband. I roll my eyes at her, although she isn't  here to see it. It's stupid, getting so offended by her calling us a boyband, but I can't help it. I make a mental note of shredding extra hard when she finally sees us live. Because she will hear us play; I'll make sure of it.

michael: im punk rock, i have a pierced eyebrow

jessa: cool

michael: well if you come to a gig ill show you

jessa: sure you will

michael: your so annoying

jessa: *you're a boy in a band

michael: BYE

jessa: wait

jessa: when's your next show

michael: youre too eager

michael: friday 9.30 pm meet me outside, i'll text you the address later

jessa: now who's eager

jessa: not sure if i can do that

michael: don't you dare stand me up again

michael: what do i have to do to make you come?

The moment I hit send, my cheeks flush red as I realise how misinterpreted the message could be. Then again, I suppose her pretty face doesn't have a dirty mind. Hopefully it won't be awkward. I'm definitely looking forward to Friday.


hahhha mikey wyd

see you in hell babe

anyway if you like this pls gimme a vote or a comment? ily


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