20: The Hard Way

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My days were spent trying to motivate myself to do something, anything. The first few days, I walked. I stood and walked around the circle over and over. It was tedious work, but I got used to moving while keeping my mind clear. Baby steps were the only way to regain my strength, even though I became incredibly frustrated with my slow progress.

One day, when I was starting to walk normally, my door opened and someone walked in. As soon as I saw him, I lunged. I tried to claw at his eyes and hit him as much as I could, but I was so weak I only got one good scratch in before a guard pulled me off.

"Tsk, tsk." Ralphus waved his finger in front of my face. "Behave now, dove. This doesn't have to be hard."

"You poisoned my drink! You locked me up here! You took my throne!" I yelled angrily at him, but it came out as more of a rasp. The guard who detained me painfully twisted my arms behind my back.

"Don't be hasty now. You are my wife, after all." He smiled at me. It would have looked genuine if I did not know he had the soul of a jackal.

"Never call me that. I am no wife of yours. You are no one."

He walked around me in a circle, tapping his chin. "I am the king. I can do whatever I want." He winked at me.

I said with a straight, low tone, "I hate you. You are everything wrong in this world. The day you die will be soon, and on that day, I will be there. I will be your downfall, just as you have been mine. But I will rise again like the sun after the night, and you will be gone forever, remembered not even in memory."

He walked up close to me, leaning in so I could hear his whispered words. "What pretty words for a pretty girl, but remember who you are, dove. You are a weak," he kicked me in the shin and I let out a whimper, "manipulable little girl."

I spit in his face. "I hate you."

He wiped his face slowly with his sleeve. "Hmm...yes. Today, I thought we would take a little field trip you're not going to like. Come with me."

I attempted to kick and scratch as much as possible but the space I was given was limited. I was dragged through the hallways, my legs limp as I resisted. I screamed as much as I could.

From then on, I spent my days in my tower and my nights with my most hated enemy. I started running around my tower in long circles. At a point, it became too much. I had no plan. I had no chance. But even in the darkest of times, Hope shines like a beacon. I could feel hope, despite everything. Every night I left my tower, and maybe one night I would have my chance. So everyday I ran, and then I fought against any guard who put his hands on me. I never won, and my energy was leeching.

On one day, he came in alone and sat down. I glared at him, staying standing as far away as possible. "What are you doing here? Why are we not dragging me somewhere?" I hissed at him.

"I'm here to talk with you," he said. I stared at him, not saying a word. "I've decided we should stop being barbaric enemies. A little civility goes a long way."

"You are the one who treats me like an animal," I whispered.

"And maybe that can change if you behave. I have what I want. It doesn't need to be like this."

"I will never work with you. You took what you wanted. From me," I hissed at him.

"Quit being rude and listen to my proposal. Or should I have a guard gag you and hold you down while I talk?" I stayed silent, staring at the floor. "Good girl. Now...what was I going to say? Right. The kingdom is prospering. Well, the nobles are. No one asks about you, but that's because no one notices you're missing. They do adore you. Everyone does, they just think you're taking a hiatus from public life. No one even knows you're in this tower."

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