Chapter 3

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I surprised myself at how bold I had been when I demanded Alice to sit, but I was equally, if not more surprised by her submission in actually taking the seat.  She looked at me with her perfect blue eyes waiting for further instructions.  I wasn't sure what my next move was, but I knew I needed to get rid of Shayla first.

"Shayla, I've got it from here.  I'll make sure Alice gets her meal and is safely delivered back home."

"You're the boss, Jay."  Shayla responded.

"Alice, I'm sorry I have to cut this short.  We should get together soon.  You have my number.  Call me anytime."  She continued.

Alice said her goodbyes and then turned her attention to me.  She hadn't said anything.  I couldn't help but wonder if she was intimidated by my presence or if she was familiar with being a submissive.  Either way, I finally had an opportunity to get to know this beautiful creature.

"Alice, Alice, Alice..." I let her name roll off my tongue to see how it felt.

"Call me Ali. No need to be so formal."

"Okay Ali, if that's what you want.  So you're a fan?"

"Echelon." She corrected.

"I like that.  You're a part of the family. So how long have you been following Mars."

"I've been dedicated since 'This Is War' came out, but only in the last year did I see you perform. It blew my mind away."

"I'm glad to hear that.  There's nothing more special than getting up on stage and sharing our hearts and souls with everyone.  So are you hungry?"

"Starving actually.  I don't know why they've not taken our order yet."

"It's Hollywood on a Saturday.  Most people don't eat around here.  They come out to drink and then go to the clubs and drink more."  I say while motioning for the waitress.

She ordered her food and didn't seem phased by me not getting something.  I was hungry.  Just not for food.  When the food arrived, I could tell she was unsure if she should eat like she would if I wasn't here.  I tried to ease her mind by not staring at her or the plate.  I took my phone out and told her I was going to check on Shayla's progress on my "emergency."

We sat in a very comfortable silence, her picking at her food, me on my phone pretending to work.  Every now and again I'd look up to see her engrossed in stabbing her fork through something that didn't look edible to me.  I was intrigued by her.  She had the lead singer of her favorite band sitting before her and she didn't fuss and fawn over me.  It was refreshing.

After about 10 minutes of her stabbing the same thing over and over, I figured she was done. I watched her go to jab the fork and reached my hand out to stop her. She looked at me grateful.

"Sorry my appetite left me."

"Nothing to be sorry about. Let's get out of here!" I say but then she slumps her shoulders.

I think she thinks this is where the evening is ending and I slink off into the night, but she is oh so very wrong. I have plans for her. And I can't wait to let her know my intentions.

I get the waitress' attention and when she comes over I reach into my wallet and hand her 2 $100 bills. I can see Alice wanting to protest but I'm not going to let her pay when this was all my idea to begin with.

"I'm paying." I say with a growl. She doesn't say anything, just nods her head.

We stand up and I step out of the way to let Alice stand beside me. We start walking towards the entrance and I place my hand at the small of her back gently. Through the thin fabric I can feel her warm skin beading up with goosebumps. I grin to myself. I love the affect I already have on her. This is proving to be easier than I might have originally thought. Then again she is an Echelon, as she has proclaimed. She already has a thing for me. I don't mind, because easy is nice.

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