Chapter 14

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"I love you.  My sweet, funny, adorable Ali." Jared said out of nowhere.

I bolted right up.  I was shocked, which goes without saying.  Do I say it back? Can I say it back?  I couldn't ignore it. It was plain as day that he said it.  My reaction clearly evident that I heard it too.  I stared at him incredulously.  I lost all motor function skills.  I just sat there looking bewildered.

"Ali, it's true.  I'm madly, deeply, head over heels in love with you.  You don't have to say it back, in fact I don't want you to say it back unless you mean it.  But this feeling in my heart, body, and soul is undeniable.  I've only ever felt the same way about five people before.  I know what this is.  And I'm sorry if it scares you or if it's a terrifying prospect, but I'm not going to hide anything from you.  I promised that to you the night you found out about Jamie and I lying to you.  I promised honesty, and here it is."  Jared spoke from the heart.

"Jared, are you absolutely sure you love me, are IN love with me?

"Without a shred of a doubt.  You are the last person I ever plan on feeling this way about.   I'm prepared to love you as long as you let me and even beyond that.  I'm going to love you whether you want me to or not."

I snatched him into my arms, hugging him with all my might.  He was beyond anything I could ever have imagined.  He was my everything.

"I love you, Jared Joseph Leto.  I have loved you from the minute I first watched an interview with you years ago.  I knew I loved you.  I knew I was in love with you.  I don't know how, but it was true.  I haven't stopped loving you and being under your spell ever.  Even when I was mad at you, I couldn't not still love you.  You have been the answers to all my prayers.  Thank you for giving me a chance! I love you, I love you, I freaking love you, Leto!"  I showered him with kisses to his forehead, temples, cheeks, and settling on his mouth.  He laughed.  When I stopped, he pulled away to look at me.  We sat there staring into each other's eyes for what felt like every bit of five minutes.  Neither of us saying a word.  Just drinking each other in.

I finally broke the silence and said, "so what now, sir?"  He lightly moaned at the word sir.  He studied me a few moments longer then ordered me to undress.  I did exactly as I was told and grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head.  My breasts bounced and my nipples were instantly hard.  He watched my every move, not saying a word. I slowly pulled off my pajama bottoms under the bedding.  He grabbed the sheets and bedspread and tossed them completely off the bed.  I was completely exposed and my natural instinct was to try to hide myself.  He was having none of that, pulling my arms from my body.

Still not saying a word, he positioned me the way he wanted me.  I was laying flat on my back.  He had my arms raised above my head and my legs spread eagle.  I was uncomfortable being this bare and on display, but I didn't dare move.  He got up and rummaged through his suitcase, pulling out a tie.  I wasn't expecting him to have one.

"Oh little Ali, I'm so glad I brought this.  I'm going to tie your wrists.  They are to remain above your head.  Your legs can't be restrained to anything so they will stay open like this okay?"

I nodded.

"You're going to have to tell me this is okay.  I need words.  Are you alright with this?"

"Yes."  I breathed out heavily.

"Ali, this is just a small sliver of a taste of what it means to play, we won't even need a safe word.  Do you trust me to worship you the way you deserve?"

"With all my heart."

He smiled wide. He delicately wrapped the tie around my wrists and pulled it into a knot. Then he started caressing my face, giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead. I started to shiver from the lack of clothing and blankets. He walked over to the thermostat and turned the heat up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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