Chapter 9

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What was supposed to be just an overnight stay at the hospital turned into 6 agonizing days of watching nurses and doctors poking and prodding Ali.  Whatever had bitten her was wreaking havoc on her nervous system and they were unable to pinpoint exactly what the culprit was.

I had left a few times to work only because of the deadlines that were looming, but other than that I had practically stayed by her side.  I had bought her an iPad so she could write when she felt inspired, but to my dismay she didn't have any interest.

Ali's mood went from disappointed to angry and then to sad.  She was very frustrated about what was happening to her body.  She had no energy and was unable to stand or walk for long periods of time.  The last thing she wanted to do was be creative.  I disagreed and thought it would actually help with her mood, but I didn't press the issue.

Finally the day had come for her to be discharged and a hint of a smile appeared on her face.  It was gone just as quickly when the nurse came in to discuss her after care.  She was to keep an epi-pen on her at all times, avoid being outdoors for recreational reasons (until she could see an allergist) and because of her weakened condition she would have to stay with someone who could help her, at least until she was somewhat back to normal.
"Ali, don't worry about any of this.  You can stay with me.  And once the allergist can pinpoint what you're allergic to, we can be better equipped to avoid places where they may lurk."

"But I was bit at the campground. I can't go to Camp Mars.  I probably can't go hiking, or exploring, or anywhere.  And these are all things you enjoy."

"I think you're overthinking this.  You went to camp in August and you were fine.  It could be something seasonal?"

"And if it's not?"

"Then it means you adjust to a new way of life."

She is reluctant to come to my house and is grumbling the whole way. I feel bad for her, but I also think she is being a little silly. There's no way I would ever consider her to be a burden so the minute she even tries to suggest it, I will shut that shit down.

I pull into the garage and tell her to stay put so I can go get Shannon. He's much stronger than me and I hadn't told Ali that my back started hurting again. I knew if I did, she would suggest that she go home to mend on her own.

"Hey Shan, can you help me get Ali into the house?"

"Yeah no prob little bro. I finally get to meet this mystery woman."

I told Shannon everything about her the other day and he was surprised at my sudden infatuation but didn't give me too much of a hard time. He knows when I am really feeling something that I will put my all into it.

We go into the garage and round the side of the truck and notice Ali laying on the concrete floor crying. I shouldn't laugh, but I am. Shannon instantly goes into action and picks her up, glaring at me for being inconsiderate.

"Ali, you don't listen very well. What part of stay put do you not understand?"

"You're, You're... You're laughing at me, Jared!" She says through sniffles.

"Yeah because you fell and you wouldn't have if you had listened."

I realize it's a dick move to be patronizing her now, but she is too headstrong and she needs to learn her lesson.

Shannon carries her into the living room and sets her down on the couch. He walks to the ottoman and sits. He is looking at Ali and I can tell by his face he instantly recognizes her. He looks up at me as I stand there proudly then say, "Yeah."

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