New Home, New Hell, New Friends. | 2

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song/album above is the one referenced in the chapter (the name of the album is Mer De Noms)

As the sun rose in the morning, it blinded the young boy, waking him from his soft slumber with his halo rest comfortably on his fluffy feathered pillows and warm blankets. yet it wasn't all so peaceful, His hair was an absolute mess and he still slept in his clothes as the plane had arrived late the previous night. Oh, he was so tired, but thank God school didn't officially start until Wednesday, today was Tuesday. His alarm went off, each blaring beep from the iPhone resting on what he thought was his bedside table feeling like a machete cracking into his skull. He sat up, grabbing his phone from the floor and quickly dismissing the alarm.

He looked around the empty room, the yellow walls around him and the scruffy grey carpet on the floor below him, the air mattresses in the room. Where the fuck was he?
"Good morning!" Pat, his other father called, handing him a cup of black coffee. He rubbed at his tired and heavy eyes, a soft caramel color, the pastel pink sweater he wore over his shoulders making them that much brighter. Oh. It was the living room of their new home. In the goddamn mother fucking United Kingdom. Tord knew very little English as Pau was originally raised here in Manchester and had made the good decision of trying to teach the kid some words and easy, but useful introductions and phrases, yet he knew he was a goner. He was going to fucking die.

He took the steaming beverage in his hands, clutching it close to his chest.
"Uh... Thanks."Pat walked back into the kitchen, connected to the living room, yet separated by a counter between the two to finish making the boys breakfast. His pushed his hair behind his ear and attempted to understand the English language coming from the radio set on the grey tiled counter. Tord had tried his best to prepare for their move, but he knew it two years of secondary school English class wasn't enough. He knew even though he may have had this experience with the language, he still wouldn't know anything.

"I'm going to go walk around the neighborhood to try and understand the area better." He said after he had drunk most of the coffee Pat gave him and thrown back on his black hoodie.

Pat nodded, keeping his attention on the pan of eggs on the stove. "Don't get lost."

As soon as Tord stepped out that front door he felt a raindrop fall onto his cheek. The few drops of rain then quickly turned to a slight drizzle... And then to a near downpour.
He had heard the weather was bad, but not like this. Holy shit. It wasn't too bad. He really enjoyed when it would rain heavily in mid-spring like this, it hardly ever rained in Norway that much. If anything the weather was a pro over a con. He walked down the street, the wet pavement making his black converse shine against the light sky, just now realizing how much he truly missed walking to school with Frankie and taking the bus with Maggie. As much as he hated her right now, he fucking missed his friend. And god, he really missed Roy now. More so after the party than he would have ever thought.  He kept his head down just making sure to stay on a straight path in the neighborhood. He felt their friendship ended on a bad note. Maggie was upset with him, wouldn't even look at his texts, Roy left him confused and sad, and now Frank was mad because apparently he and Roy were an item and had drunkenly shouted at Roy most of the night when he was over.  Technically he caused their breakup and he was feeling really guilty. Tord needed to find some way to make it right, but that was pretty much impossible now. While he kept his head down wasn't expecting to walk right into, oh boy, the tallest fucking kid he had ever seen as he looked up from the wet pavement which he had stumbled back and fell to.

"Fuck! I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going! shit! Are you okay?!" The boy spoke fast and his accent made his words barely understandable to Tord.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Tord stuttered, trying his best to hide his accent.
The boy shoved his phone in his back pocket and quickly grabbed for Tord's hand to help him up. God, why was this like a scene straight out of a bad 2006 teen romance movie? He looked up to this kid, actually studying his features for the first time. His hair was gelled up in spikes and he had several piercings in his ears, both trying to be hidden by the blue hoodie he had pulled over his head to escape the rain. He had several bands on his arms, only making an appearance as his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and off his neck hung three chains falling into the soft baby blue fabric of his bunny-hug. As Tord took his hand, his skin was soft but his grip was strong, easily helping him to his feet. He looked up to make eye contact, but before he was something very quaint. A puzzling picture way painted right before his very eyes, something so rare he would never have thought for it to exist.His eyes were straight up black. Even where his eyes were supposed to remain white were stained black like a dark ink.

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