Isn't She a Dream Come True | 12

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Bright rays of sunlight shone through the window, staring Tom right in the eyes. He groaned in his sleep, trying to cover his eyes, but eventually finding it no use and had to just sit up against his headboard to avoid the burning light from the window. Tord hummed and pulled himself closer into his side, to which Tom wrapped his arm around him, the thoughts of the previous night bringing a pale pink to his face.

Their legs tangled together under the sheets as Tord reached for Tom's hand on his waist, his fingertips rest on his knuckles.

Tord slowly woke up, his tired grey eyes fluttering open to meet Tom's. He smiled up to him, a soft giggle erupting from his lips before he snuggled up closer to Tom's skin.
"Good morning, Angel." Tom greeted, tucking Tord's messy hair behind his ear. He hummed in response, a smile still rest upon his lips. "How are you feeling?" 

"My ass hurts." He giggled slightly. Tom soothingly rubbed his back. "I don't want to go."
Those words sent chills up Tom's spine as he thought about getting up and going to school again.

"What about you, your legs okay?" Tord sat up now, hesitating with his words "Is your-" quickly, he cut himself off not really wanting to continue with his question in fear of it being a sensitive topic.

"My legs still hurt," Tom replied "I really shouldn't have fucking hurt myself." Tord could feel the anxiousness radiating from him, to which he continued to place soft kisses up his chest.
"Although on the brightside, I really don't feel too bad about myself right now." He said "last night made me feel like I was actually alive for once, you make me feel fucking amazing every time I'm just simply around you."

That answered the one other question Tord had, making his heart flutter with happiness as his boyfriend spoke.

"It's like I'm actually... a guy when I'm with you." He continued "I don't know, I just feel so comfortable around you, like I can be this without you questioning it."
Tord smiled, Thomas giving him butterflies in his stomach.
"I love you, Tord." He pecked him on the forehead.
Tord leaned into him more, enjoying the warmth against his skin.

They were quiet for another long moment as Tord closed his eyes, finding images of the previous night flashing behind his eyelids.
His body grew hot the more he thought about it. They were already late for school, couldn't he just-

Tom's phone rang, startling Tord from his thoughts as Tom reached over him to the bedside table. Tom looked in confusion to his contact before answering.
From the other line Tord could hear Edd boarderline shouting at him.

"You guys are late, the just bell rang and we didn't get to hang out this morning. You better not be making out in the bathroom, I swear to fucking god."

"You guys?" Tom questioned.

"You and Tord." Edd sighed defiantly.

"Who said I was with Tord?" He chuckled out, rubbing at Tord's arm as he settled back into his side.

"You're always with Tord, Thomas, who are you kidding?"

"Good point." He yawned "I think I'd rather stay home today, thanks."

It was silent on Edd's end for a moment before he started shouting, more so screaming out of obvious frustration.
"You guys fucked, didn't you?"

Tord poked Tom in the side, shaking his head at him. He didn't want anyone to know, not because he was ashamed, but because if word somehow got to his dads, he'd be a goner.

"Hell no, Edd, you think I could do that?" Tom played off as if nothing had happened, as if he wasn't sat completely unclothed in bed next to a boy he liked, as if the dark purple marks down his body had never appeared in the first place, as if the boy of his wildest dreams wasn

"Fair point." Edd said finally "Although it is kind of suspicious that neither of you are here today, so I'm still not sure if I can believe you aren't together, at least."


Eh time skip?

Tom sat at his computer desk, his arm thrown over the back of the chair and his leg kicked out onto the carpet in front of him. He wore black skinny jeans and his oversized school hoodie, the hood pulled over his eyes. Tord lie stretched out across his bed, his arms thrown above his head, Tom's blue sweatshirt pulled up, exposing his soft pale skin. Tom looked to him as he slept.
Homecoming was in a few days.
He really wanted to go with Tord, but he didn't want to come off as too clingy, as he had been spending a lot of time with him recently.
He rubbed his eyes and tugged at his hoodie strings before rising to his feet to walk over to Tord. He looked so peaceful as he breathed slowly, his facial features soft and calm. Tom came to rest his hand on his cheek before climbing up next to him, pulling him close.
He stirred in his sleep, slowly waking from his soft slumber, before pushing himself back into Tom more.

Thomas kissed at his bare shoulder  the fabric from the sweatshirt falling down.

"Tom, stop it." Tord hissed out playfully, his hand finding itself tangled in his hair.
Tom smiled into his skin, leaving a new mark among all the other fading ones. "Pat and Pau are supposed to be getting back today."

Tom pulled away then, not wanting to make them worse than they already were, soon placing himself between his legs, his fingers gripping onto his thighs before leaning down to kiss him.

"Tom what's this about." He joked, pushing him up off of him.
Tom giggled nervously grabbing his hands from his shoulders, locking their fingers together.
He had to ask him now. Although he knew everything would probably play out perfectly fine, his stomach still did backflips and his words still shook from his lips.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go to homecoming with me Saturday?"
Tom felt his heart beating through his chest as Tord gripped his hand tighter.

"Of course I'd want to go with you." Tord said. "I wanted to ask you, but I didn't know if you'd even want to go."
He looked away, half expecting Tom to tell him just how cheesey that was but he didn't.

"I'm so happy right now." Tom giggled "I'll finally be normal."
"We'll never be normal, Thomas." Tord mocked, pushing him off of him so he could sit up against the headboard.

"Well shit, I guess you're right." He remarked "Either way, now we have to go to school the rest of the week, for seniors you have to do a whole bunch of shit before you can go."
Tord folded his arms
"We're skipping gym though."
"Won't your dads be mad? I mean, Pau will probably slaughter me once he finds out I'm the reason you weren't at school." Tom asked. "Hell, he'll gut us both like fish if he finds out what we did."

A pale pink rose to Tord's cheeks as he thought of that night. He quickly shook it off and tried to ignore his yearning for Tom.
"Yeah.." he muttered "He won't know, I'll make sure of it."

Short chapter I know. Fuck. I just can't think of anything else to add that doesn't have to do with the next chapter. Jfc

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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