Innocence | 8

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heyo, it's Jay. sorry for the wait, I started school again *fucking bloody hell and I also let my sister use my computer for a while so I couldn't update. :3 so here's this, expect slight sin. (fucking finally.) although it might be bad because I haven't written anything for a while. and when I write sin, understand that I'm not trying to sexualize being trans. I myself am most likely trans, although I'm still trying to figure all that out, I guess this is just me trying to process it all. That's why I have avoided this for so long. Lol oops.

Also they're over 16, I don't know if I ever mentioned that, but that's the legal age where I'm from- at least.


"We'll be back before next Saturday, but if you're really that scared, stay with your friend, Tom." Pau spoke helping his husband to load the car full of their luggage. "It's just a business trip, Tord, we'll be fine." Tord stood, his hands shoved into the pockets of his black hoodie. This would be the longest he'd be home alone and he knew it wasn't going to go well, he could feel it in his chest. He stood at the top of their driveway  as he watched his dads get into their car, wave, and drive off into the darkness of the night, their headlights still visible down the road. It wasn't even midnight and he was scared as all hell. Tord turned, walking back into his house sitting down in the dining room, looking around to the empty house before picking up his phone which lie on the table top. He opened his messages with Tom sending him a quick message. 

"Thomas, can you come over? please?" 

to him it felt urgent, yet also clingy. He didn't want to be that kind of boyfriend but he really hated being alone. He sat for five minutes staring at the screen blankly waiting for Tom to even read it. Eventually he got tired of waiting and arose from his chair, slipping his phone into his back pocket and quickly walking off into his room. He grabbed a bag, compiling everything he needed into it, and marching across the street to Tom's house. All of his lights were still on, so he knocked lightly on the door when he arrived. 

"Tord?" his mother gawked as she answered the door. She was dressed in a tight black leather dress and was obviously getting ready to go out somewhere as she had caked on massive amounts of makeup.  

"Is Tom home?" he asked. She continued to eye Tord up and down until she finally called for Thomas in the other room. 

"Qu'est ce que c'est maman?" He spoke hoarsely. 

"Vous avez un visiteur!" She shouted back before turning back to Tord. "Come in." 

Tord stepped inside, Tom's mother closing the door behind him. He stood before Tom in the doorway, his hair was a mess and he wore a loose olive green t-shirt, -nearly covering the fact that he wasn't wearing his binder- and light grey sweatpants as he rubbed at his eyes. 

"Tord what the fuck?" he hissed "It's almost twelve in the morning!"

"I'm home alone for the next three days... I hate to admit it, but I'm lonely.. and scared..." Tord muttered, grabbing his arm. Tom's expression softened and he pulled Tord into a hug. "C-can I stay here?" Tord asked, feeling weak as tears brimmed his eyes. 

"Of course." Tom sighed, rubbing circles into Tord's back. After a moment he led Tord over to the couch in the front room where he was previously atleast trying to sleep. They sat together, Tord in Tom's arms as he placed small kisses all over his face.

"Ok Thomas, je vais y aller maintenant, reste en sécurité." His mother called from the other room as she opened the door to leave.
"Nous allons maman." He replied, keeping his voice low.
Tord's heart melted as he spoke French, even when it wasn't to him. He pulled himself closer to the soft material of Tom's shirt, now burying his face in the crook of his neck.
The front door nearly slammed shut and Tom's Mother could be heard getting into her car to leave.
"Je t'aime." Tom muttered, noticing how Tord squirmed underneath him as he spoke before.

Drowning Lessons | 💫TOMTORD💫 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें