Thunder and Lightning| 10

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Lol I hate my writing so much but oh well. Don't want to dissapoint the literal only three people reading.

*****Trigger warning in the comments because I don't want to spoil it for everyone, but I want y'all safe. 

"We won't be home when you get back." Pau Told him, ruffling up his hair like he always did when he was a kid.

"I know, Dad." Tord groaned in reply, clutching the straps of his backpack, annoyed at the fact that he'd have to fix his hair.

"Have a good day, be good for your teachers." Pat called finally as Tord began to walk down the driveway.

First day of school. God they just got out, and now it was back to hell, but this time as a senior.
Tord walked feeling the cold breeze through his sweater as he fixed his hair in the wind. It was definitely going to rain today. His black converse hit against the pavement as he made his way along the street.

His cell phone buzzed in his pocket, he quickly pulled it out, spotting a text notification as he came to a cross walk. Tord unlocked his phone, reading the text from Tom.

'Matt and I are waiting at the lunch tables, hurry and get here bb <3'

Tord pushed open the doors with every last inch of strength he had in his body, practically throwing himself into the halls, trying to calmly walk to the commons, but everyone who passed had their eyes on the kid in the bright pink jumper and the pretty rose flower crown atop his head, stars in his eyes. I'm sorry. As soon as he reached the main hall and spotted all three if his friends sitting at their table, conversating amongst themselves, he ran.

He sprinted to the table, throwing his bag down, and jumping for Tom, pressing their lips together. He acted as if they hadn't met in weeks, yet it has only been a few days.
His arms wrapped around his neck as he smiled into Tom's lips, hugging him as tightly as possible.

"Okay, get a fucking room." Someone hissed out jokingly.
Tord pulled away, turning to see Edd looking back to them with a slight smirk. Man had he changed, hell, he didn't even sound the same.

"Oh fuck off." He shot back, taking Tom's hand in his. His hands were cold and soft in his own.

They sat down at the table with the other two boys, Tord grabbed his schedual out of his bag, sharing it with everyone else around the table.

"First period is gym, then math, then I have geology, history, lunch, band, English, and finally science." Tord spoke quickly.
"We have Gym Class and band together." Tom said, seeming as if he suddenly perked up in his mood. He muttered a quick 'thank god' and went on to list his classes.

Tord had English with Edd, he was glad as he still didn't speak English very well and didn't want to embarrass himself, really.
The bell rang quickly, meaning the boys had to part ways and Tom hesitantly grabbed Tord's hand as they walked off to gym class.

Tord could feel Tom was nervous. He had never taken gym before for a specific reason, but it was required to graduate and this was his last chance.

They walked into they gym, a class of mostly freshman, co-ed thankfully. Everyone stood in groups chatting amongst eachother before class. Tom sweat looking around at the few girls his age, he looked like them. He was 'technically' one of them. He held Tord's hand tighter.

The bell rang and the teacher quickly walked in, a short man who looked to be in his mid-thirties wearing sweatpants and a white t-shirt, littered with muscles all the way down to his pants tucked into black steel-toed boots. His dark brown hair was buzzed down and his face was shaven clean. Frankly, he was intimidating even at his small stature. An angry expression on his face as if he'd rather be at home, maybe killing innocent baby animals on his spare time.

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