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Wow, didn't think anyone was reading my poems




Hello! I saw you read my poems. What do you think of them?


I love your poems. Who is it about anyway? Someone you love?


It can mean anything to anyone, but for me, it's about a Korean pop group I love. I tagged them in my book too(: I didn't want to make it obvious for who this is about, and I think anyone can relate too.


I think you're a really deep person, and yeah, it is very relatable:D


Thank you very much! I checked on your account. Don't you write anything?


Nah, I don't have the luxury to sit down and think about what to write. I don't usually come on wattpad, but I was bored, and came across your poems!


Well that's good to hear. The only people that read my poems so far is my best friend, and my sister, but I don't think they understand it. Haha.


Well, now you know someone who understands it, and you can always come to me if you have any problems or anything.




Sure! I love to make new friends!


So, watcha doing new friend?


I'm working on a song I wrote. But it's not done yet...


Oh! Are you a musician? I love music! How famous are you XD


I'm pretty famous in my country


Really? I was actually kidding when I asked you, because why would someone be famous and read books on wattpad? Hahaha! Where do you live then?


Hi readers! This is my first bts fanfic! Thank you for reading, if you could tell me what you think so far would be great! And if you like the story so far, you can vote for it too! I'm so excited to write for the first fanfic!

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