ocs and who theyre paired with

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Leah Stark: Tony Stark's younger sister, paired with Loki (or Tom himself, or any Tom Hiddleston characters I end up writing about)

Lightning Valkyrie: Asgardian, guard to the royal throne, paired with Thor

June Odinson: Thor's only daughter, mother is Jane making her a demi-god, paired with Quill (or Pratt himself, or other Pratt characters, mainly Owen Grady)

Iris Parker: Peter Parker's oldest sister, lives on her own, paired with Strange

Amy Strange: Stephen's sister, pretty much lives an as normal as possible life. Tony's new assistant, paired with Tony

Emma Banner: Bruce's daughter, pretty shy but she does try to cause problems from time to time, paired with Peter Parker

Riley Barton: Clint's sister, she's been put in charge of helping Bucky and Steve adapt to modern technology, ect, she is also a victim of multiple experiments where the outcomes basically turned her into a mutant, she has powers similar to Mantis where she can sense people's emotions and can alter them just by touch, much like her brother she is also a gifted archer, paired with Bucky Barnes

Serena Barnes: Bucky's younger sister. She's a mutant. Her mutant ability is control fire/able to turn herself on fire... basically all things fire. Her powers were triggered when she, Bucky and Steve were kids they thought it would be smart to mess with fire. Her brother almost died that day but her powers got triggered which resulted in her saving Bucky. Though she looks to be in her mid to early 20s she's really 99 years old. She's paired with Logan

Noah Howlett: James/Logan's trans sister. Despite the mutant genetics running in her family, Nikki is 100% human. She's pretty much the vice principal of the school. She's known Charles for years since they went to the same school together. She's paired with Charles

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