(1M) Bucky

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First male oc one shot and millionth Bucky one shot xD sorry I've wrote so many Bucky one shots I just really love him.

Ryan knew something was up with Bucky when the former HYDRA soldier would avoid him anytime he saw him.

It wasn't always like this, it all started a couple of weeks ago during breakfast. The two male's hands happened to brush against each other (Ryan's left hand and Bucky's right). Of course Ryan wasn't wearing his gloves so he felt the emotions Bucky had been feeling. Fluster. Love. Lust. Embarrassment.

Ryan had made the mistake to bring it up with a question, "so, why are you embarrassed you're in love." After that, Bucky glared at Ryan and left the kitchen. Since then Bucky has been avoiding the Barton brother.

Enough was enough to Ryan. One day while Bucky was in the training room, Ryan came along and stood in front of the only entrance/exit of the training room.

"Alright quit avoiding me. What the hell is going on in that head of yours." Bucky tensed, freezing in place before quickly turned to face Ryan with a cold glare.

"Get the hell out." Bucky grunted, clenching his fists. Ryan frowned then slowly made his way over to the soldier.

"Seriously what the hell is wrong with you...you've been acting weird since breakfast almost a month ago." Ryan said, grabbing Bucky's bionic arm. Bucky flinched slightly and pulled his hand away.

"It doesn't matter just drop it."

"Buck come on...you're my best friend...my only friend other than my brother." Ryan mumbled making Bucky freeze then let out a sigh.

"Yeah... friend....just friend." Without even touching, Ryan could tell Bucky was depressed now. Ryan frowned and touched Bucky's shoulder. Heartbreak.

"Did something happen with the girl you had a crush on?"

"Uh...not really..." It was pretty obvious Bucky was afraid of judgement because of who he was in love with.

"Wait...is it a guy you have a crush on?" Bucky flinched then quickly looked away. Embarrassment, strong as anything.

"Buck...times have changed from the 40s...you aren't judged for being gay. Sure there are still some assholes out there that still live in the dark ages but as I said they're assholes. I mean they've legalized gay marriage, for the LGBTQ community things are looking up... somewhat...we have some down sides sometimes but either way it's alright if you're gay. You should go tell him how you feel." Ryan said. The feeling of love grew stronger as Bucky's eyes locked on to Ryan's making the blonde blush darkly.

"I'm not really that good with words. I'm better showing my emotions." With this, Bucky grabbed Ryan's waist and kissed him roughly, making Ryan's eyes widened and him blush darkly before kissing back.

"I...um... I love you." Bucky mumbled as they both pulled away, he rubbed his neck awkwardly. Ryan grinned widely and kissed Bucky's cheek

"I love you too Buck." Bucky smiled back as he pecked Ryan's lips.

A few weeks later the two came out to the rest of the team though no one was really surprised. They all had feeling that Bucky and Ryan were dating in not so secret.

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