(1M) Charles Xavier

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I thought I'd start it with Noah coming out + confession. It would be pretty much the same the other way so I'm only writing this out once and not rewriting the same thing this is also around the time of first class

Charles knew something was off with Noah before he came out. Without even reading the boy's thoughts he knew something was wrong. He seemed disconnected when talking with the female students, out of place when the girls would talk about fashion. He noticed that Noah felt more at home with the male students and teachers and easily got along with them.

Charles had known better than to read Noah's thoughts but it was eating away at the Brit not knowing what was upsetting the slightly younger Canadian.

"Charles?" Said male jumped slightly before turning his attention to Noah. Charles smiled as he turned in his chair.

"Noah, just the person I was thinking about." Noah blushed slightly then cleared his throat nervously.

"Charles...I have something important I need to tell you. I'm sure you've noticed that lately I've been feeling very out of place. That I've been sort of disconnected...and I'm sure you've already read my thoughts but I need to actually verbally say what's on my mind." Noah let out a sigh before looking Charles dead in the eyes, "since we were in highschool together, I wasn't feeling comfortable in my body. I wasn't sure why before but after seriously thinking about it I know now why that is...I'm actually a boy...I was born in the wrong body and I've just been terrified to mention it."

Charles seemed surprised at first then smiled warmly and grabbed Noah's hands in his.

"Noah, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm glad you're telling me this. I've been really worried about you lately. I thought something was seriously wrong."

"But this is serious Charles. You've already seen what people are doing to the mutants, saying their abominations, god mistakes...how the hell do you think they'll react to me!" Noah started to panic, tears filling his eyes. Charles frowned and squeezed the male's hands reassuringly.

"It's going to be alright, love. I promise you, I'll be here for you the whole time." Charles bit his lip slightly then smiled fondly at Noah before continuing, "I love you."

Noah's eyes widened in surprise before he quickly shook his head and looked down at his feet.

"You loved me when I was a girl..." He mumbled, tears starting to bubble in his eyes. Charles shook his head and pulled Noah to his chest, hugging him tightly.

"You've know me for how long now Noah and you still think I only care about appearance or gender? You've wounded me Noah you've truly wounded me." Charles said making Noah look at the Brit in confusion.

"I've always loved you Noah. Not for your looks not because you were a girl but because of how much of an amazing person you are. You love and care for us mutants when other humans turn their heads at us. You are the most kindest person I have ever known. And this....this doesn't change my feelings for you. If anything it makes me love you more for being honest with yourself." By this point, Noah was a blushing mess with a fresh set of tears falling.

"Charles..." Said male smiled softly before cupping Noah's face and wiped away his tears. Noah quickly wrapped his arms around Charles' neck and buried his face in the croak of his neck then murmured, "I love you too."

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