(1F) Peter Quill/Star-Lord

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Basically this is two aus in one. An au of how June and Quill meet. And it takes place during IW. So beware of spoilers.

"We have an incoming distress signal 50 clicks from here." Gamora informed her fellow guardians. Rocket groaned slightly

"Why do we have to do this?" The...not Raccoon questioned

"Because we're nice plus if we help that means a reward-"

"Which isn't the point!"

"...which isn't the point..." Quill repeated Gamora's word then looked to Rocket and mouthed 'reward'

Suddenly a bright flash appeared and a woman smacked into the windshield of the ship.

"Oh God! Wipers! Wipers!" Rocket shouted. The guardians screamed when the woman the presumed dead, opened her eyes.


"How is this chick still alive?" Quill questioned as Rocket sniffed at her.


"Excuse me?"

"This....this is no chick. Gamora is a chick...this. This is an goddess." Drax said as Gamora gave him an offended look.

"She's in anguish. She feels a tremendous loss...anger...she is in pain." Mantis said, her hand on the mysterious woman's forehead.

Quill frowned, looking down at the woman, studying her face which was littered with small cuts, bruises and dirt.

"Looks like she was in a hell of a fight..." Quill mumbled then looked at Mantis "wake her up."

She nodded then put her hand on the woman's forehead, "wake". The woman screamed, launching herself off the table, startling the guardians again.

The blonde turned around and starred at the guardians.

"Who the hell are you people."


"Hold up let me get this straight. Your father is Thor..like from those Norse mythology books?" Quill questioned.

"I assure you my father is no myth. He's as real as my grandpa Odin or...my....uncle Loki..." June frowned just bringing up her uncle's name.

When Thanos started killing the Asgardians, Loki had opened a portal to get her away from the fight to protect her. Despite what people say, he is caring especially since it comes to his niece.

"Hey is everything alright?" Quill asked, resting a hand on the demigoddess's shoulder.

"I'm...I'm just worried about my dad and uncle. My uncle had an encounter with Thanos before and....god...you should have seen the fear written all over his face. He wouldn't let me help...he just opened a portal and pushed me through it." I sighed

"Well I'm sure he's fine..." Quill said though there was obvious doubt in the man's voice.

"So...um...your mom is Terran?"

"Midgardian yes. Jane Foster. Not to long after I was born...she left me with my dad saying she wanted nothing to do with me and broke things off with my dad. My uncle Loki helped my dad raise me though my dad didn't like I picked up on my uncle's mischievous habits." I smiled weakly.

"So you're a demi-god"

"If that's what someone who's half midgardian half Asgardian then yes."

"Then I guess it's something we have in common."

"What do you mean?"

"My mother is Terran and my dad...is an asshole of a god. He murdered my mom and then I had to kill him. The man I had finally started to see as a father died, sacrificing himself for me..."

June frowned then grabbed Quill's hand and squeezed it.

"I'm sorry..." Before Quill could respond, June got up and went to the locked pod.

"Wait what are you doing?"

"I need to take a pod and get a weapon that is meant for the asgardian royal family. It'll kill Thanos."

"Don't you think we all need one?"

"It would dislocate your arm from it's weight, melt your insides...ect. It is only meant to be held by those worthy which is pretty much exclusive to Asgardians." June said as she kept trying to figure out the code.

"Well I'm not about let you go on your own. I'm going with you." A loud smack on the windshield startled June and Quill as they made their way over.

"Seriously again?!" Rocket huffed in annoyance as they pulled in the man that was on the windshield.

"Dad?!" June ran over and shook Thor's shoulder making the god jolt and sit up.


June, Thor, Groot and Quill were sitting in a pod going to get the Thanos killing kind of weapons in an awkward silence other than the beeps from Groot's game and June's quiet sobs being muffled by her dad's chest.

"H... he's really gone this time...?" June whimpered.

"I...I'm afraid so princess..." The girl flinched slightly at this. Princess was a nick name Loki use to call her. She was his little princess of mischief despite Thor's disagreements to that title.

"Sorry..." Thor frowned, rubbing his daughter's back.

Quill looked over and put a hand on June's shoulder but flinched when Thor glared at him.

"Who do you think you are touching the shoulder of my-"

"Dad knock it off. Leave Qu- Star-Lord alone." June said. Quill couldn't help but grin hearing the god of lightning's daughter calling him Star-Lord.

"Thank you June...and I'm really sorry about your los-"

"We do not need your pity!"

"Dad!" June snapped.

"I am Groot."

"He's right. Now is not the time. And I wasn't giving pity I was being genuinely sorry. I know what it's like to lose important people in your life. My dad murdered my mom when I was a kid and I had to kill him... literally months ago."

There was a tense silence after this.

"We're here" June sighed.


"Somethings wrong..." June mumbled as everyone started turning to dust.

She turned to look at Quill who had the same worried expression. She looked at Quill's hand and noticed it started to deteriorate. Her eyes widened as she rushed to Quill.

"No...no please...I can't lose you." June whimpered, gripping the male's jacket. "I know we just met but I can't lose you...I...I love you" she confessed, cupping his face.

Quill flinched in pain as he lifted his hand that was still in tact and cupped her face.

"I love you too" he murmured before pressing his lips on to her's as he did, he fully turned to dust making June fall to her knees and sob.

Thor frowned gripping his daughter's shoulder.

"It will be alright I swear. We will get Quill back along with Loki and everyone else who's become s victim of Thanos." Thor said.

This is going to be a two parter. The next is pretty much what I'm hoping is going to happen in Avengers 4

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