(4F) Bucky

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Brother/Sister one. This is to explain how Serena got her powers

Long before Bucky signed up for the war, when he was 17 and Serena was 16 Bucky tended to get into a lot of fights mainly when he tried to protect Steve.

One of the fights however, Bucky bit off more than he could chew and he was now surrounded by multiple people from his age up to 20, all ready to beat the shit out of him.

Serena was on the sidelines and saw her big brother getting beat close to death. Something inside her snapped, her insides started to feel like they were on fire and her eyes held a burning rage as she glared at the attackers.

"Leave him alone!" Serena snapped, stretching her hand out, flames shooting out and hitting one of the attackers.

Everything seemed to freeze for a moment. The hits on Bucky stopped as the attention went to Serena.

"Holy shit! She's one of those freaks!" Serena and Bucky flinched at those words. Bucky gritted his teeth and punched the guy that said that.

"Watch it" Bucky warned as the group started backing away.

"Is he one of them?"

"Just run!" The group quickly made a run for it as Bucky turned to find his sister on the ground with wide eyes and breathing heavily.

Bucky made his way over and reached for Serena making her quickly crawl back.

"Stay away!" She yelped, afraid of hurting him.

"Hey...hey. It's okay" Bucky knelt down so he was eye level with Serena. He waited before carefully placing his hand on her shoulder.

"See? You're okay...I'm okay..."

"I'm a monster..." Serena mumbled, looking down.

"No you're not. You're my little sister and you have a really awesome ability." Bucky said

"Mom and dad won't think so..."

"But I think so. That was the coolest thing I've ever seen, Serena."

"Why did I have to be like those mutants...no one is going to talk to me anymore everyone will hate me...be scared of m-"

"And I'll be by your side the whole time. I've always been there for you and Steve haven't I?"


"Ah! No buts. This doesn't change anything. I'm still going to be there for you." Bucky got to his feet and helped Serena up, "now let's go home."

Short ass one shot but I just wanted to make this fluff xD

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