(2F) Bucky

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The alternate way of how Bucky and Riley meet. This will mention her time briefly as an X-Men and will also include Logan.

"You okay kid?" Riley tensed slightly then looked up at Logan before looking up at non other than Avengers tower.

"Y-yeah...just nervous I guess. I haven't seen my brother since the night I got kidnapped by HYDRA." Riley sighed, memories flashing back at her.

Logan gripped the girls shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze making her relax slightly, "it's going to be alright" he told her as they entered the building.


"Clint!" Riley shouted, running towards her brother, jumping into his expecting arms.

"It's been way too long Riley" Clint said as he hugged his sister tightly then looked at Logan, "Is that Logan?" Riley smiled and nodded quickly.

Clint smiled then put Riley down and walked over to Logan, going to shake the man's hand. "I can't thank you enough for saving my little sister from HYDRA and taking care of her all these years."

Logan chuckled and shook his head, "it wasn't too much trouble really. Riley's a good kid, it took her sometime to warm up to everyone back at X-Men but she eventually got the hang of things."

After a few more minutes for the family reunion, Clint showed Riley around.

"So when we aren't on missions, if you don't mind, we'd all like it if you could teach Steve and Bucky how to work....everything. They can't figure out how to use modern technology and everything else not from their time. Bucky seems to be struggling more than Steve." Clint explained.

"Of course. It doesn't seem that hard." Riley said making Clint snort.

"You haven't met Bucky yet. He's pretty stubborn." Clint said as he lead Riley to the training room.

As the door to the training room opened, Bucky was practically beating the living shit out of a training android that Tony had just recently built. Bucky threw a punch, ripping out the wiring and battery making the android crumble.

Riley flinched slightly as she watched Bucky, hiding behind Clint. He looked over at Riley then carefully pushed her out to introduce her to Bucky.

"Hey Buck. There's someone I'd like you to meet" said male quickly turned his head, staring blankly at Clint then furrowed his brows as his eyes locked onto Riley. "This is my little sister, Riley. She's going to be teaching you and Steve about modern technology."

Bucky just let out a grunt and went back to training, making another android come out to fight.


Weeks have passed since Riley started teaching Steve and Bucky, with extra lessons for Bucky.

"Are you starting to get it now, Buck?" Riley asked as she showed the man how to work an iPhone. She looked up at Bucky and frowned in confusion as he seemed to stare off into space with a blank expression.

Riley rested her ungloved hand on Bucky's hand making her wince slightly as she felt all the emotional and phycology pain he's gone through. She could see bits of his past before HYDRA.

"Are you alright?" Riley snapped out of it, moving her hand, tears prickling in her eyes. Riley quickly wiped her tears away then nodded.

"I-I'm fine." She mumbled.

"What the hell was all that. With your eyes looked like it was a night sky or something." Bucky questioned, squinting his eyes.

"I guess that's something that happens when I use my abilities." Riley mumbled, unaware her eyes change when she uses her mutant abilities.

Bucky looked at Riley in confusion making the girl sigh.

"When I was 9, almost 10, I was kidnapped by HYDRA. They did multiple tests on me, turning me into a mutant. If it weren't for the X-Men coming to and taking me in...I don't know where I'd be." Riley sighed.

"I guess HYDRA is something we have in common." Bucky mumbled with a small frown. Riley frowned too then gripped Bucky's shoulder, rubbing her thumb over his shoulder blade.

"Just so you know, that stuff you did when you were with HYDRA, it wasn't your fault. You weren't your fault. You weren't yourself." Bucky's lips twitched into a small smile as he rested his head on Riley's shoulder, closing his eyes.

"Thanks, Riley..." Bucky murmured. Riley smiled softly and ran her fingers through Bucky's hair.

"Of course Buck"

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