(1F) extra - Tom Hiddleston

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So from time to time I might make some of these random extra one shots. This one is on Tom Hiddleston's character from Only Lovers Left Alive. This is an au where Adam isn't with Eve. This will also mention self harming and attempted suicide.

He knew something was wrong when he stepped into his abandoned house when the strong stench of blood wafted in the air. His fangs ached as he quickly rushed to their shared bedroom. No signs of her.

"Shit..." Adam grumbled as he followed the trail of blood to the adjoining bathroom. He gritted his teeth then knocked on the door.

"A-ah! U-Um just a second Adam!" She shouted nervously, scrambling to pick up her razors.

"Now, Leah!" Adam demanded, scaring the poor girl but then hesitated as she slowly opened the door. She kept her hands behind her back as she looked at her feet.

"I...it's not what you-"

"'its not what I think?!' really?! How fucking stupid do you think I am, Leah!? I can clear as day smell the blood"

"It's my peri-"

"I know the difference between when you're on your period and this." Adam quickly grabbed Leah's wrist and looked at the multiple fresh cuts that littered her arm as was still bleeding profusely. His fangs grew slightly at the sight of the blood and he felt pain in them as he tried to resist.

"I thought you promised me you were going to get help... that you were going to stop." Adam mumbled, looked at the woman with sad eyes. Leah frowned then looked down again.

"I....I tried. I really truly tried Adam but... I...I just can't anymore. It's too much. Work has been stressing me out to my breaking point. The therapist isn't actually listening to what I'm telling them. What's the point..."

"Am I not reason enough for you to live? If I'm not then give me my damn bullet back so you don't have to deal with me anymore. It seems that since we met, you've gotten more depressed so I'll go." Adam's grip tightened on Leah's wrist as he looked at her with such broken eyes.

Leah frowned then cupped Adam's face, not caring about the fact her hands were bloodied from her wounds.

"Adam... don't you dare say that again. I love you so much it's just hard sometimes..." Adam sighed as he grabbed one of Leah's hands and brought it to his lips and kissed her fingertips.

"I know darling but we will get through this together. I promise you." He said then started kissing and licking the blood off of Leah's wrists. Adam let out a low growl as he looked at her with hunger in his eyes.

Leah let out a soft sigh as she tilted her head and shifted her shirt so more of her neck was exposed. Adam hesitatented before burying his face in her neck, inhaling her scent. He kissed over a former bite then let his fangs slowly sink into her neck making Leah gasp softly. You'd think after being with a vampire for 3 years now would make her use to this but no.

After a couple minutes Leah began to feel woozy as she weakly pushed Adam's chest.

"A-Adam... you need to stop" she mumbled weakly. Seeming to catch on, Adam quickly pulled as and licked over the fresh bite.

"Sorry..." Adam mumbled as he licked the blood off his lips. "I can't seem to control myself when I drink your blood." He finished, kissing her neck again and inhaled her scent. He tensed when Leah suddenly fell unconscious in his arms.

"Shit..." Adam mumbled then picked up Leah, carrying her to the bedroom. He put her on the bed and noticed how pale she was getting and how fast too.

He knew it was only a matter of time for this to happen. Everytime she offered him her blood, he kept injecting his venom into her. He didn't mean to. It was something even after being alive for centuries he couldn't control. He knew that within the next couple of days, Leah would be like him.

"I'm so sorry darling...I didn't mean for this to happen..." Adam murmured before kissing her forehead then going around the house, making sure all the curtains were still closed tightly before returning to bed and laying with Leah.


It's been weeks now since Leah first fell unconscious and started turning. Finally the woman woke up and quickly sat up with a gasp. When she was fully awake, she could see every little dust partical every single sense of hers was hightened. She could hear Adam's heavy footsteps all the way from the living room. She could hear him pacing back and forth, mumbling something about how "she should have been awake by now" and "she can't be dead, I can't lose her"

Leah quickly got out of bed and stumbled slightly in a bit of shock at how fast she got up. She quickly shook her head then walked out of the bedroom.

"Adam?" Her voice was weak and hoarse as she slowly made her way over. Adam's head shot to her direction and let out a relieved sigh as he pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Thank God you're okay..." He murmured.

"What happened?" Leah questioned.

"You've been asleep for over a month. I thought that I lost you."

"Why does everything look different? Like all my senses have been heightened." Adam sighed

"I.... you're....I turned you into a vampire."


"I didn't mean to... Everytime you've offered me your blood....Everytime I bit you my venom was going into your system. I couldn't control it. I didn't want you to be like this...-"

"So you don't want to spend an eternity with me?"

"Darling...that's not what I meant. You don't understand how difficult it is being a vampire. I didn't want you going through what I go through every single day of my life. I didn't want you cutting ties with your friends and family because you'll never age from 25." Adam said then cupped her face, "believe me I'm happy to spend an eternity with you it's what I've wanted since when we first started dating but I didn't want to force you into this..."

Before Leah could say anything else her stomach growled and her fangs started hurting. Adam sighed then sat her on the couch and went to the fridge to grab a blood bag of some of the good shit as he called it.

Leah's eyes widened as Adam made his way back.

"Adam...I can't-"

"You have to if you want the pain to stop and if you want to keep living." Adam said, handing her the bag. Leah gulped then let out a sigh as she closed her eyes and started to drink it. Her eyes lit up as she drank more of it.

"Easy. I know this shits good but slow down or you'll make yourself sick." Adam warned as Leah drank all she could, which was the full bag. He shook his head then kissed her lips that still had some blood on them.

"You're going to have to learn to control yourself, Darling. You're not always going to have the full bag of blood. Technically you shouldn't of had that much for your first time." Adam sighed making Leah pout.


"Come on. The sun's starting to rise, it's time for bed." He said, picking her up with ease.

Marvel One shots //DiscontinuedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin