A long talk

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„She's opening her eyes."
„Get me that."
I heared a lot of voices talking at the same time. I slowly opend my eyes, but I was blinded by a bright light. After some seconds I realized that it was a flashlight, shining in my eyes by some kind of nurse, I guessed.
„Can you hear me?", a woman suddenly spoke to me.
„What?... Where, where am I?", I said, waking up slowly.
„Don't worry. You're save now.", the woman answered.
I looked around me, but I didn't saw anyone I know. Then I remembered again what had happen.
Was I at WCKD's? And if so, what did they want from me?
I looked at the woman, who continued to take tests on me.
„What are you doing?", I asked her.
„I'm just doing some tests."
„Why?... You got shot. Don't you remember?"
„Yes, I do. But what I mean is, why are you helping me. Do you need me for something or...?"
„You're gonna meet some people today. They have a new purpose for you."
I started freaking out a little when she said that. They're really gonna put me back in the maze, I thought. But I tried to stay calm, I needed to get out of here somehow.
„Excuse me, could I get some water?", I asked the woman. It was the only thing that came to mind. She got up and walked to the sink to get me some water.
I didn't knew what I was going to do. I didn't thought I really could escape, but I should atleast try, I thought. So I got up and run as fast as I could to the door.
„Hey! Stop! Get back here!", I heared the woman jell behind me. But I was already in the hallway. There were a lot of hallways here, and it reminded me of the maze. Some guards were running behind me now, jelling for me to stop. As one of them gave a worning shot, I ran around the corner and into a random room.

I leaned against the door and tried to catch my breath again. I looked around, it seemed to be a bedroom. There even was a bathroom. As I walked towards it, I heared someone coming out of it. At first I just stared at her. Not knowing what I should possibly say.
„Juliane? Oh god, I thought I'd never see you again.", she said and she gave me a hug.
I froze for a moment, but pushed her away then. „Teresa..."
I remembered again what she did, Thomas had said she'd betrayed us. I wasn't sure if it was really true. I never saw her after that, but then what was she doing here?
„Teresa, what are you doing here? I mean are we at WCKD's? And what are they gonna do to us?"
„Calm done. Yes we are at WCKD's, but they're not gonna hurt us."
„How do you know that for sure? They did it before."
„Because they promised me."
„Promised you?"
„Yes, my only conditions was that no one would get hurt."
„Condition? Oh god, it is really true then. You betrayed us."
She froze for a moment:„I can explain."
„Explain, really? Alright, go ahead. Tell me why you exactly turned us in by WCKD! Was it, so you could save yourself? Didn't you care about us all along? Tell me, what is your reason!", I said very pissed of.
„It's a long story. I did it for the greater good. Our world is dying. We can't think about our selfs right now."
„What? Are you serious right now? Are you calling us selfish? Are you calling me selfish for trying to stay alive?"
„That's not how I ment it."
„Then how did you mean it. Because I remember a time, where I sacrificed myself for all of you in the Maze. Including you!"
She didn't say anything for a moment then, but I wasn't done yet.
I got tears in my eyes now, as I thought about it. „You know...I lost Newt because of you." She finally looked at me again.
„How could you do that to me? I thought we were friends. Didn't anything that we have been through matter to you? What we all have been through?"
„I'm sorry.", she said, getting tears in her eyes. „I thought, I was doing the right thing.
I still do."
„I can't believe you just actually said that. So you don't care if we die here because of WCKD, because of you. You don't care that I lost Newt, the person I care most about. ...Would you even care if Thomas died because of you?"
„No one is going to die!", she said crying now too.
„Fine, if you really believe that. But that doesn't mean, you didn't betray him aswell. I thought you liked him. That he was for you, the same as Newt is for me."
She didn't respond to that. She just dryed her tears and said:„Miss Paige wants to see you. I was supposed to meet you with her after your check-up. We should better go now."
„I'm not going anywhere with you."
„Oh and one more thing.", she went on, like she hadn't heared what I said. „Minho is here aswell. Ava was actually supposed to tell you, but you'd probably wanna know now, I guessed."
„He's here? ...Then why are you only saying his name? Aren't the others here too?"
„No, they escaped."
„So you are actually admitting that you tried to captured us. ......Can I see him?", I said after waiting a while.
„I'm not allowed to."
„Of course you're not. But you're trying to convince me, no one gets hurt?"
„Alright then. But put this one on so they don't recognize you immediately." She gave me a white labo like she was wearing. And I followed her out. I said one more thing before we left:„I trust you now, that you're really gonna take me to him. If it should be otherwise, you made the biggest mistake of you're life."

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