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Minho and I ran through the city now, heading for the Berg. We would have to get the serum from Brenda and bring it to Newt.
There were a lot of fights going on between the civilians and the people from WCKD, but we managed to get through.

After some time we finally reached the Berg. Jorge and Brenda already saw us coming.
„Where's Thomas? And Newt?", Brenda asked while she looked around.
„Newt fell down, we need the cure now!"
She immediately responded and went into the Berg to get it.
„Where are they?", Brenda asked.
„Here! Follow me!", Minho jelled while he already ran. We followed him right away.
„Hey, Juliane. It's nice to see you again.", she said while we ran after Minho. He was much faster than we were but we were able to keep up. I just nodded as a response. My mind was to focused on Newt right now. What if we would come to late? What if the cure wouldn't help?
No, I shouldn't think that way. Especially now. All that matters is that we find them in time.

After Julie left, Thomas let me rest for a moment. I knew I was getting worse. I could feel "them" in my head. Whatever "them" would really be. I only knew they were eating away my brain. And that I would go mad any minute.

„Come on Newt, we really need to go now, or we won't make it", Thomas started to talk.
„Wait, there's something you should have.", I said while I tried to get my necklace of.
„We don't have time for that right now, come on."
„No, take it."
„TAKE IT!", I suddenly screamed. I breathed heavily while I hold out the necklace.
„Please Tommy, please."

„Ok." Was all he said, and he took it slowly.

I could see that he was slowly going mad now. But that he was still in there too.
I helped him getting up and together we walked to the place I told Minho to meet.
But after some time Newt fell down again.
„No, Newt, get up. Please, try to get up."
He wasn't able to, so I started dragging him along.

But then he suddenly stood up, walked a little forward, but fell down again. This time his back was facing me.
Then he suddenly came ranning to me, with a knife and pushed me to the ground. He stood over me now and hold the knife against my chest.

I knew it was only gonna take seconds now, before I would go mad.
As I stood over Tommy, almost putting to much presure at the knife, I came back to my senses again.
„I..I'm sorry Tommy.", I said.
„It's ok..,it's ok Newt."
What was I doing? What if they wouldn't be here on time. What if I would hurt Thomas. I didn't want to do that. Didn't want to go mad. Become a crank.

So I graped Thomas's gun, and pointed it right at my head.

„No!", I jelled and I tossed the gun away from him.
I stood up and saw how he leaned against the ground.
He was going mad, it wouldn't take long and he would be past the gone.
He came up again, this time with the knife again.
He ran towards me and started to swing it around.
„Newt, no.. watch out."
I graped him with my hands around him, so he couldn't move his arms anymore. But I hadn't pay attention to the knife.

I looked at him, he had a small smile on his face before he fall down. The knife sticking in his chest.

We finally arrived to the place we'd meet, when suddenly Minho stopped.
„Minho why you stop? We need to get..
No...", I said while I walked past him.
„NO!..No, no..", I kept repeating it, hoping it wasn't true, as I ran to him.

Newt lay on the ground with Thomas sitting next to him.
I hold him in my arms and pulled him a little up.
„Newt, please.. don't be.. come back to me..."
It was only then that I realized the knife.
„Did he kill himself?" I asked Thomas while my tears couldn't be hold back anymore.
„No,..he...I..", he spoke very slowly.
„Did you kill him?", I asked him mabey more angry than sad now. I lay Newt down again and faced Thomas.
„You killed him! He's dead because of you!", I jelled at him while more tears came out all at once now.
Deep down I knew Thomas never would've done that, but in that moment I couldn't think straight. And Thomas probably noticed that too, because he pulled me in a hug.
„I'm so sorry."

How could this be true? He went through my hair with his hand, when I noticed the gun lying only a meter away.
Without even thinking, I graped it and pointed it at my head.

Minho came over immediately and was there before I could pull the trigger. He hugged me and gave the gun to Thomas. I barely noticed that Thomas went off.
I started crying again, while Minho hold me even closer. He pulled my head in the others direction. He didn't want me to see Newt like this. His shirt was really wet by now, but he didn't seam to care.

I pulled back after some time and looked at Newt. I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead, then I closed his eyes.
Only later I realized that that kiss, was the same, as the last one I had given him, when he was still alive.

The Death Cure (fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora