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As we walked through the corridors, I was really nervous. I wasn't sure if I could trust her. Then she suddenly stopt in front of a door. „He's in there. I'll wait outside, so no one goes in besides you."
I looked at her, not sure if she was telling the truth, but I went in anyway.

When I came in I saw Minho lying on a bed. He hold his head, with his hands, and seamed very sweaty. I walked over to him immediately. I kneed down and slowly took his hands from his head. „Minho...don't worry, it's just me, Juliane."
When I had touched him, he hold completely still. Then he looked up slowly. „What?" He breathed very heavily now and sat straight up. „Is this some kind of test again?", he said.
„What?", I said. I didn't expect this reaction. „No, it's really me." I graped his hand again. „What happened to you? Have they hurt you?"
He just stared at me and didn't give a reaction at all. „Minho? Did you hear me?"
„Yeah, I heared you. I just don't know if should trust you yet."
„Because you think I'm a test?"
„Mabey yeah, and I wonder why you're wearing that jacket, if you don't work for them."
„Teresa gave it to me..."
Before I could finish my sentence, he had already interrupted me. „Teresa? Alright now I know for sure that you don't work for them. WCKD never would've been so stupid to say that."
„What do you mean? I know she betrayed us, but she's helping me."
„Helping? Juliane, please stay away from her. She almost killed us all."
I waited a moment before I spoke again. „She says that you are the only one they got. Is that true."
„They had Sonya and Aris too, but I think Thomas, Newt and the others saved them."
„They did? Then why aren't you saved?"
„They came with a Berg, when we were on the train, but they got the wrong cabin I guess... Not that what they did was for nothing, I mean they got Aris and Sonya out."
We both smiled, we were happy that atleast that had happen.
I stood up and gave him a hug, finally.
„I missed you."
„It's good to know that I'm not alone here. Have they run any tests on you already?"
„No.", I lied, because I didn't want him to worry. „Teresa is going to take me to that
woman Paige."
„Be careful. Really just promise me to be careful."
„I will.", I said.

Not long after that Terea came in. I said goodbye to Minho, and followed her out. Before we went into Ava Paige's office, she stoped for a moment. „Here, they wanted to take this away, but I know that it means a lot to you.", she said, and handed me a the ring that Newt had given me.
I looked at her, not sure what to say. I just took the ring then and put in on my finger.

„Ava, Juliane is here to see you.", Teresa spoke to her. At first I wanted to say something like:«I think she can see me.», but I decided not to. For some reason I didn't want to seam to harsh on her.
„Yes, come in please.", Ava said.
We were standing in the door, and walked in now. „Juliane, please sit down."
„No thank you, I'd rather stand.", I said, without showing any emotion.
Teresa looked at me, but sat down.
„We have something different planned for you, than as I told you before. Instead of letting you go trough the trials again, we want you to work next to Teresa. You will help her with her work, but you will be doing more on the computer than she does."
„And what makes you think that I want that?"
„Would you rather be send back to the maze?"
„Are you threatening me?"
„I'm just telling you your options."
„Options?", I said in a discusted way.
„You're forcing me to put others through the same horrible thing, that I went through."
„That's not what I do.", Teresa said, interrupted me and Ava. „I'm just trying to find a cure."
„By making others die for something they don't believe in! How can you be on there side after everything they've done to us, to you?"
„I'm just thinking of the greater good."
„Oh, don't start again, with that."
„We will give you a day to decide.", Ava said, as if she hadn't heared anything of what I had said.
I ignored what she said and just walked out of her office.
Teresa followed me and showed me the way back. She brought me this time to a room, which would be my room, if I should work here. „Juliane, I hope you make the right decision.", she said and she closed the door.

I looked around. The room looked just like hers. I went to the window and looked outside. I saw a big city, something I'd never seen before. Atleast that's what I thought, I didn't knew if I had seen any before the maze. I went to the bed and lay down. Not long after that I fell asleep.

The Death Cure (fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now