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When I finally arrived at the building of WCKD, I went straight up to my room. I had called Teresa like a thousand times, but she didn't respond. I got worried, I still didn't trust her, but I didn't hated her either. I decided that if Teresa wasn't back tomorrow, I would tell Ava. I had some work left to do, and went to my computer.
After some while I found some old documents about us, the first Gladers. I first opend my file.
I noticed that mine was different from the once I had made for the new Gladers. It said that I was a risk for the Trials, and where normally our subject-number is, stood nothing. I remembered what Ava had said, that I wasn't supposed to be in the maze. I went on looking. There was a page written about my past, and I started reading immediately. I read that I had a little brother, who caught the Flare when he was only 10 years old.
I didn't really knew what to feel in that moment. I should feel horribly sad, but I couldn't remember him. I did feel regret for not knowing him. As I went on, I found out that before going to the maze, that I worked a lot with Alby. That he and I had been best friends. We had to work on computers and collect data of others. But again it said that I could be a danger.
I was really confused, why was I a danger?

"The subject is showing no ferder symptoms to the injection. Except for the 5 minute reaction, nothing happend.
We have injucted her with the cure for the injection, which equals to a Griever stung, just to make sure. Afterwards we made sure again, that nothing would be remembered by the subject."

I remembered what happened in the maze, when I got stung. It was exactly the same what happened. Back then I didn't knew why this was happening.

"We suspect that there must be something that stops the Flare from spreading. So we will take on ferder tests with the subject. It is important that the subject does not get in contact with any other of the subjects, so tests can be taken more percisely.
The subject will be transported to another apartment, for harder tests. We suspect that the subject could be carrying a cure."

"A cure...", I thought. How could I carry a cure and not know about it. I mean, I expected a different treatment if I am really carrying the cure. Shouldn't they be doing all kinds of tests?

In the following pages was written how the quick process of the changing happened over and over, as they injected me, but how it kept on going away, even with a higher doses.
I was shocked for a moment. They had done all of this to me, and I couldn't remember a thing. Mabey it is for the best, I thought.
But then I got to one page, which was different.

"The subject has gone missing after the usually goodbyes to the subjects, going to the first Trial, who stand close to them.
It is crucial that the subject is found before it stands in contact with any other subject."

As I read the word "it", I got discusted. I couldn't believe they actually called us "it".

A few pages ferder, I read about how they had discovered that I was in the maze, and how they tried to get me out.
I even read about how they had got me to that place back in the maze.
And how they tried to kill me in there.
Apparently it wasn't so important anymore that I was carrying a cure, I thought.
I didn't understand much of what was written on the next pages and I got sick of there ways of treating people, so I decided to look at something else.

I found the files if the others.
I first opend Newt's. It said that he was subject A5, and that he was called "The Glue", because he hold everyone together.
It made me smile a little, because that was actually true. But the smile vanished when I read that he wasn't immune.

Just as in my file there was written something about his past.
It was described how he was taken away from his parents, together with his sister.
His sister? He had a sister. It said that his sister was subject B5, and that she was immune. I decided to look her file up, and I found out that his sister was Sonya.
I remembered that I knew her from something. Had I remembered her from the time that I had worked here?
I didn't knew what to do with all this information. I thought that I should definitely tell Newt about his sister, but how was I ever gonna be able to do that.

I spend every day after that night finding as much information as possible.
I was allowed to see Minho once a week. And that day was today. I wanted to tell him about everything I had found out.
I walked to his room. Well, it was more of a cell, they just called it his room.
„Where do you think your going?", a guard at his door said.
„What? I'm just going to see my friend. As I always do."
„I'm afraid that you're not allowed to enter this room anymore. Please go back to your room until the problem is solved."
„What are you talking about? Which problem."
„Madam, you really need to go.
There are people outside the city-walls. We all have been warned to stay inside and to keep the subjects in their rooms."
What was he talking about?
I didn't really knew what to do now.
I just decided to go to one of the big windows of this building and take a look at the walls. At first I didn't saw anything, but then I saw how a part of the wall was blown up by a bom.

Everyone around me started running, I didn't hesitated and started running as well. I ran through many corridors and suddenly bumped into Teresa.
„Teresa? Where have you been? And what's going on?"
She looked surprised to see me aswell. She took my hand and pulled me behind her while she ran ferder. „I'll explain later, come on!"

The Death Cure (fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now