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We ran through the city now.
When suddenly Newt fell down.
I rushed over to his side and together with Thomas we leaned him against a wall.
„Newt, what's happening?"
He leaned his head agains the wall, breathing heavily. And some sort of slime came out off his mouth.
„He's sick, Juliane. He's got the flare.", Thomas answered me.
Then Newt took my hand.
„Julie, please listen to me. I love you more than anything else. Please save yourself this time.."
„Newt, you know I won't."
„Promise me Julie. ...Please."
„...I promise.
This is why you didn't kiss me, right?"
Newt looked up again into my eyes. I could see how much pain he had.
I leaned over once again.
„Julie, don't. I don't want you to have it too."
„Don't worry, I know that I'm immune."
„You really gonna kiss him with all that slime?", Minho than came between us, as his sarcastic self.
I gave him a look so he'd shut up.
Then Thomas said:„We need to get the cure to you. We can't go on like this."
„I'll go.", Minho volunteered.
„Good, we try to get to the Berg as soon as possible.", Thomas said.
„Wait, Julie.. go with him.", Newt said.
„Please, I don't want you to see me like this. Go to the Berg."
„Newt, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you."
„Go!", he suddenly screamed as if he couldn't control himself anymore.
I got a little frightened but calmed down fast when he softened his voice again.
„Julie, go."
I gave him a soft kiss on his forehead and said:„I love you.",one last time.

Thomas had told Minho where we needed to go, since he's never been out here and I only in certain parts. I turned around a last time before we started running. I looked at Newt, and he gave me a small smile back. I could see that he wasn't able to bring out more. He was in too much pain.

The Death Cure (fanfiction) | I Was The Second One To Arrive Where stories live. Discover now