Better from now on

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I stayed with Newt the whole time. I didn't quite knew what the others were doing. Only that they were gonna pick up Thomas and mabey Teresa as well.
Then Minho and Frypan suddenly entered the room. I hadn't moved since and was still sitting on my knees, on the ground, holding Newt's hand.
I turned around to face them. „What's going on?"
„We got Thomas, but he's injured. Brenda and the others are taking care of him.",Minho answered.
„How bad is it?"
„He got shot, but he'll be fine."
„Good,.. and Teresa? Did you found her?"
„Uhm..yes we did. She was with Thomas on a building where we picked him up."
„And you didn't pick her up as well?"
„We were gonna, but... the building broke down.., and she fell with it.
She's dead."
„Dead?...Why does everyone has to die today?" I started crying again and Frypan came over.
He gave me a hug from behind. I noticed he was crying as well, as my back started to get wet. But I didn't mind.
Then Minho came to us. „Hey, we shouldn't be crying. They wouldn't want us too. They would want us to go on. They all would want that, Alby would, Ben, Chuck, Winston, Teresa ..and Newt."
I looked up at Minho. He was right about what he said, but it was too soon.
„You know Minho, you were doing a really good job with your pep talk there, until you started listing all the people we lost.", I said with a small smile.
„Atleast I got a smile on your face."

I let go of Newt's hand for the first time now and huged Minho and Frypan.
Minho pulled the blanket up over Newt's face before we left the room, to go to the others. And we locked the door, cause not everybody knew what happened, and we didn't want them to find out this way.

We joined the others. Everyone was still a bit quiet, but everyone was relieved as well. We knew that it was going to be better from now on.

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Hi, I really hope you liked it. The end kinda sucked I think.
I'll write another book about how it goes on at the Savehaven, and with some flashbacks to the Glade, but it will take a while.
Thank you for reading it.❤️

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