The dicision

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The next morning, nobody woke me up, what I had suspected otherwise. I made myself ready. Some clothes were put in my room for me to wear. I wanted to wear my own, but they had taken them away. So I just put those on. It were black tide trousers and a red top, with a black jacket. It wasn't really what I had expected, since everybody else seamed to were withe. But I couldn't find my own clothes anymore, so I just put those on.

After an hour Teresa came and got me. She brought me to Ava's office again.
I thought a lot about what I should do.
I decided to work for them. Atleast now I could keep an eye on everything, and my memory wouldn't be taken. That was the most important thing for me. I was planning to act, like I would've changed sides, but ficure out a way to escape at the same time. With Minho of course.

After we had discussed everything, Teresa showed me my new workplace.
„Do you actually live here?", I asked her after some time.
„No, I have a room here, but I only stay here if I have to be here early. I have an appartement in the city."
„So I can live outside of this building as well?"
„I don't know. Mabey after some time."
„So what your saying is that you're actually gonna hold me here, until you think you can trust me."
She didn't respond to that, and just continued showing me all the stuff.

I was supposed to collect all the data of the possible new Gladers. I felt really wrong and guilty while doing this. I had to find out everything about them. Who they are, who their family is, their whole background actually.

A few weeks had past, and I got the feeling that they started to trust me. I had acted normal to Teresa and she invited me to her place tonight.
„Hey, you're coming?", Teresa asked in a very friendly way, as if nothing had ever happened, while she stepped through the door. „Yes, just a sec."

I had been out of the building once before, but it wasn't that far out. The city looked enormous, I had never seen so many lights. „Impressive hah.", Teresa said. „Yeah, it really is."
We walked along together, till we had to stop at an traffic light. I noticed that Teresa was acting strangely and what she said was even more confusing. „Uhm...Juliane, would you mind, going to my place and wait there for me, there's something I need to do first."
„What? I don't even know where you live."
„It's around the corner, you'll find it.", she said while she hurried through all the people. The light had gone green now.
„Teresa! Come back!"
But she just kept on going. I noticed that she was following someone, and because I didn't knew where I needed to go, I just followed her.
I saw her running into a building, but I lost her there. I then just decided to go back to the main building of WCKD.

We had come up with a plan. It wasn't really good, but atleast something. We needed Teresa, and Thomas would have to make sure for that. He was going in the city and lead Teresa to an emty building. There, when she wouldn't cooperate, I would have to put the bag around her so we and Gally could carry her.
I saw how Teresa walked in. We had to be completely focused now. But I got distracted when I saw someone else following her. I leaned ferder around the corner to get a better look. „Hey, Newt? What are you doing man? You almost blew our cover.", Gally said to me.
„Yeah,.. you're right. I just thought that..."
„What? You saw something?"
„I just thought that I saw someone I knew."

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