They were coming

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We entered WCKD while the civilians broke down the wall. We ran through the corridors trying to find Minho.
We had open up some prisons with Teresa, but Minho wasn't in there. She had gotten away and we were just running around, hoping we'd find Minho.

We turned around a corner.
„Stop! Lower your wappens !", a guard yelled. But then he was suddenly knocked down. It took us a second to realize that it was Minho. We ran over to him and hugged him. „Is this real?", he said.
„Yeah man, come on. Let's get out of here."
We started running, but then Minho suddenly stopped.
„Guys, have you found Juliane yet?"
„Is she here?", I asked.
„Yeah, but I don't know were they hold her."
„We have to find her.", I said.
„Alright, let's split up, we don't have much time left.", Thomas said. „Minho, you stay with me. Newt we see eachother here in 10 minuets, ok?"
I nodded and started surching immediatly.

„Teresa, what's happening? Where were you?"
„I don't have time for this right now Juliane. I have something important to do. Find a way out and we'll meet eachother at the entrance of the city."
Without waiting for an answer of mine, she let go of my hand and ran away towards the lab.
I didn't knew where to go. There weren't many people around anymore.
I graped a gun from the floor and started running.

I got in a corridor with many people, including Ava and Janson.
They had noticed me but hadn't paid much of attention. I looked around, not knowing what to do next again, until I noticed that one of the guards kept looking at me. He was standing at the corner, away from all the people and he had his mask on.
After a few seconds he was still staring at me. What did he want from me?
I couldn't do anything for the people here and they didn't seem to care about me, so I decided to get out, like Teresa said.
But when I passed the guard he suddenly graped my arms and pulled me into a closet behind him.

„What the hell are you doing?!", I yelled at him. He locked the door and turned around.
„What are you going to do with me?"
I got really scared.
I hold up my gun and pointed it right at his face. „No step closer!"
„Whoa, whoa. I'm not going to hurt you."
I couldn't almost understand what he had said, because of his mask.
He then pulled it off, and I lowerd the gun immediately.
I dropped my gun and pulled him in a hug.
„I thought I'd never see you again.", he said, while he pulled me closer.
I pulled a little back and looked into his eyes. „Let's just hope, we never have to say that again. It already happened to often.", I said and I put my lips on his.
He pulled me close again and I felt his hand around my waist.

After some seconds, in which I completely forgot about our problems, we started running through the corridors again.
I knew the building not very good, but better than Newt, who had never been here, so I took the lead.

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