Chapter 9

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Olivia continued stretching in her troupe's pre-rehearsal meeting, even as Professor Bernard clapped her hands for their attention.

"I have an exciting announcement," Professor Bernard said. "Now that we're in the final weeks before our spring performance, the RCDC has graciously offered its stage for our Thursday rehearsals."

Olivia froze in her Relevé extension while a wave of excited murmurings scattered through the room.

"I know, I know!" Professor Bernard said, unable to contain the glee in her voice. "This is absolutely unprecedented and comes on the heels of their new Artistic Director, Dr. Stone, taking the initiative to support local dance organizations like our department and create rapport in the community."

She looked towards Mia, the crown lead, and saw the heart-shaped face stretched into a joker's grin. Olivia could practically see Mia fantasizing about herself on that revered stage.

"As you know, the best dancers in the world have performed at RCDC, and this is, of course, an incredible honor. I expect you all to behave as professionals. As if you belong on that stage, because Dr. Stone believes you do. As do I. Now, let's get started. Our first rehearsal at RCDC is just two days away."

She hated it, but the slightest of smugness fell over her on Thursday as the troupe walked into the company. Only she was familiar enough to act a touch at home. When Professor Bernard struggled with the stubborn side door, she was the one who showed her the trick to opening it.

"The greatest treasures are never easy to access," the professor had said with a laugh, the last traces of her Parisian accent rolling off her r's.

Olivia held open the door, and Mia glared down at her as she strutted by, with her ant's waist and shoulders like a coat hanger.

"Isn't she beautiful?" the professor asked as they situated themselves beneath the lights, running her hand along the well-loved stage.

Olivia took a mental image of the rows of empty, rich velvet seats. It was easy to imagine them full, stuffed with eager patrons. It fueled her, but it also terrified her.

"From the beginning," the Professor said.

Olivia's part was relatively small, and she spent much of the rehearsal in the wings. She eyed the seat in the front row that was her own during the long internship hours. Is this how she looked to the company dancers? Miles below them and worshipping at their feet?

As her first cue unfurled, she took her place among the dancers and flanked Mia. Turning the most famous, and famously subversive, erotica story into a modern dance performance was no easy task—especially when Professor Bernard wouldn't risk complete outrage from the alumnae and department.

There was a big ruffling of feathers when she announced The Story of O would be the inspiration for the spring performance. Even Olivia's mom had been surprised, but her laidback hippie personality quickly overtook any reservations. "That's ... nervy," she'd said, shaking her head with a laugh.

As soon as Olivia had been cast, she bought a used copy of the old paperback from Powell's and read it in just a few hours. What was between those worn cover pages shook her to the core. How would the professor make this into something everyone would accept? But she did.

Professor Bernard pushed the envelope, but never shoved it.

Olivia was so caught up in her own moves that she barely registered the dancers around her. This must be what it's like to be a starling. She was in the sky, surrounded by hoards, and yet they all knew instinctively what to do next. It was in their togetherness, their sync, that they were beautiful.

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