Chapter 35

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(Six Months Later)

"Nervous?" Heather asked her as they gathered backstage. After six months with the company, it was Heather—the regular lead—who had shown Olivia the most kindness.

"Kind of," Olivia admitted, peeking from the wings to the packed theater. She could see her mom, Nyla and Hannah in the box seats overhead. It was their seasonal, reserved seats, a gift from Roman.

"Don't be," Heather said kindly. "I remember my first time on this stage. I was a total wreck. You're holding it together very well!"

"I'm glad it looks that way," Olivia said.

"I really am happy that you were given the lead for the season," Heather said. She smiled at her. "Takes some pressure off me."

"That's nice of you to say," Olivia said. "But, I think you might be the only one who feels that way."

"Don't mind them," Heather said, nodding to the other dancers. "Gossip mongers, the lot of them. It's better to rise above it."

Olivia nodded.

Roman took to the stage for introductions, and the crowd burst out in applause. "Thank you to all our patrons for attending this, our opening night, and especially to our platinum patrons. Our modern re-telling of La Sylphide blends classical ballet with contemporary dance, featuring lead dancer Olivia Baker."

Even from across the stage, she could see the huge smile on her mom's face. Nyla was prepped with her camera, while Hannah shouted catcalls.

"Without further ado," Roman said, moving to his place at the foot of the apron as the music swelled.

Olivia took her place on the stage, in the heart of the spotlight. As always, once she was there, it was just her—and Roman. She caught glimpses of him, feet away, directing the dancers like he was a maestro.

The hours flew by. When it was time for their final bows, Olivia led the dancers on stage and stood in the middle of the row. The applause enveloped her entirely, and when she stepped forward for her solo bow, dozens of long-stemmed roses scattered the stage, tossed with love from the patrons.

"That was one hell of an opening night," Roman said to her afterwards, squeezing her from behind as she wiped off her stage makeup. "I knew you could do it."

"I didn't really have a choice," she said, smiling at him in the mirror. "I have to earn my keep."

"Olivia!" her mom rushed into the dressing room, her backstage pass hanging around her neck. Nyla and Hannah were on her heels. "You were incredible! I knew you would be, but—wow."

"Totally inspirational," Hannah said. "I get to say not just that I knew you when, but that I lived with you when!"

"I knew you could dance. I just didn't know you could dance like that," Nyla said.

"Thanks," she said to them, overwhelmed. "Oh! Roman. I don't know if you've ever formally met Hannah and Nyla. Hannah's been my roommate for years. And Nyla, she's a dance major, too. You might see her here in a few years."

Nyla widened her eyes at Olivia as Roman took her hand. "That would be great. I do hope you apply for an internship when the time comes. I imagine Olivia would provide an excellent recommendation."

"Uhm, yeah," Nyla said, for once speechless.

"These are for you," her mom said, thrusting a bouquet of roses, daffodils and peonies in her hand. "I cut them from the garden this morning. Although it doesn't seem like you're at a loss of flowers."

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