Chapter 20

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"Good luck today!" Nyla said from her lounging spot on the couch. She'd unofficially taken Hannah's place as a roommate for the summer, happy to be out of her cramped dorm with a roommate she repeatedly called intolerable. "As if you'll need it."

Olivia wrinkled her nose at her. "Just because Juan's gone doesn't mean the summer internship is in the bag."

"Oh, please. Save your false modesty for studying abroad in China or something," Nyla said, waving her yogurt spoon at her. "Text me when you find out."

"Hailey, Olivia," Roman said to the two of them. "Thank you both for all your work this term. I do hope it was a solid learning experience for you both."

She nodded in tandem with Hailey. Having someone else in his office tore away the intimacy she'd come to associate with it.

Roman leaned against the desk—the same one he'd lifted her onto not so long ago. "Olivia has been selected as the summer intern. Hailey, please don't think this is a negative reflection of your work. It was a difficult decision to make."

Hailey's eyes said, I bet, but she kept quiet.

"You'll both finish up the last of your tasks today, whatever may be remaining," he said, looking at his watch. "Hailey, you're free to go. Olivia, you'll be staying here."

As Hailey stood up to leave, her back turned to Roman, she glared down at Olivia. "Whore," she mouthed.

Hailey went to close the door, but Roman stopped her. "Please leave it open," he said. He was silent until he heard her exit the waiting room. "You'll find information about the summer, including compensation, at the front desk," he said.

"That's it?"

He sighed. "No. That's not it. I want to apologize, again, for my behavior. It was inexcusable, and I'm hopeful that it won't tarnish the summer."

She crossed her arms, pouting.

"Olivia. Believe it or not, I wasn't the sole decision-maker for the summer intern. The board also had a say."

"The board. And what do they even know about me? Or Hailey?"

"More than you probably think," he said pointedly. "I truly am sorry. Please don't let that moment ruin what might be a very promising summer for you."

"You don't have to apologize," she said. I liked it, she wanted to add, but couldn't bring herself to do it.

"We have to be professional from here on out. I mean it." His words didn't match his eyes. He looked at her like he was starved.

She uncrossed her legs slowly, maintaining eye contact.

"Olivia," he warned. "I see great promise in you. I mean that. And I'm not going to be the one to mess it up for you."

She slammed her knees shut. "Fine," she said, rolling her eyes. "May I be excused? My rehearsal's about to start, and the performance is just one week away."

"Oh, yes, of course," he said.

Olivia grabbed her rehearsal gear out of the intern's office and raced to the dressing room. From down the hall, she could hear the commotion.

"What happened?" she asked, flying into the tiny room.

"Ladies, please! Ladies, please!" Professor Bernard yelled, but nobody listened.

"This is just fucking perfect," one of the dancers said.

"Language!" Professor Bernard admonished.

Dancer's BodyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora