Chapter 21

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She took an Uber to Wyatt's house at seven in the morning, giving herself enough time before the summer internship began. After reading over the internship packet the night before, a nice little surprise is that this internship would be six days per week. From now on, she'd only get Sundays off.

Taking Wyatt by surprise would at least give her a little leverage—this was it. She needed to tell him that not only wasn't she quitting the internship, she had accepted the paid summer opportunity. He's not going to be happy about this.

And she didn't have a clue what she was going to say about getting engaged or moving in together. The ring was in her pocket, stubbornly poking its pointy edges into her thigh.

"Up here?" the driver asked, unsure about the narrow, steep road.

"Yeah, this is it," she said.

"So, what are you doing up so early on a Saturday?" the driver asked. She was probably in college, too.

"I have to go talk to my boyfriend about ... things," she said. The word boyfriend tasted wrong in her mouth.

"Oh, boy trouble, huh?"

"Something like that. Hey, what would you say if your boyfriend proposed to you and asked you to move in, but you weren't sure?" She'd never been so candid with a stranger before, but as Wyatt's building came into view, nerves overrode her.

"Me? Hell, no. That's way too much for someone my age. Or yours," the driver said pointedly.

"You're probably right," she said. "Thanks."

Wyatt's car was parked in his space, and the building's front door was propped open with a stack of phone books. She smiled at one of the residents as she slipped through the crack, hoping she wouldn't be asked why she was here.

At Wyatt's door, she knocked softly, but there was no answer. Olivia knocked louder, adamant about taking care of this now. If he was asleep, he'd just have to wake up and deal with it.

She looked at her phone to call him, but there was no reception in the overly soundproofed halls. "Wyatt!" she called, pounding on the door, but she couldn't hear any shuffles to the door. Since when did he sleep so heavy? Maybe he got a ride to the hospital.

Olivia turned to walk back to the elevators, but something pulled her back. She tried the door knob and, surprised, it opened. "Wyatt?" she asks quietly, poking her head inside. The living room still has quite a few moving boxes stacked against the wall. A thump comes from the back bedroom. "Wyatt?" she asks again.

Down the dark hall, she can see a faint light beneath the bedroom door. "Hey?" she said, opening the door slowly. "I don't want to—"

She opened the door to Ava's face in a grimace while Wyatt fucked her wildly from behind. Ava saw her first, but didn't even try to stop him. Instead she smiled while her tits bounced furiously. Olivia couldn't find any words.

Wyatt's eyes were screwed shut, one hand gripping Ava's fiery hair and the other grasped onto her hips.

"Fuck me harder," Ava told him, and he started thrusting faster.

Olivia couldn't look away. But she felt nothing beyond shock. It all makes sense.

"Yeah," Ava said to him. "Are you going to come inside me?"

Wyatt respond with that same little cry he'd let out when he was on top of Olivia in that same bed.

"We have company," Ava said sweetly as he collapsed on top of her.

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