Chapter 5

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Jas's P/O/V

"So what do you want to do?" Briana asked.

"HIDE AND GO SEEK!!" Jaz screamed excidedly.

"Alright fine, who's counting first?" Dante asked.

"I will." Julia offered.

"Well close your eyes and count!" Lena yelled.

"Fine, gosh." Julia mumbled and turned around closing her eyes, begining to count.

"And count to 30." Chubba said while she was counting.

We all began to hide, but I had no where to hide. I was going into Jazlynn's room and about to hide under th bed when I saw Joey.

"Really?" I whispered annoyed.

I got off the floor and quickly ran into the closet in the hallway just when Julia reached 30.

I heard her move past the closet and into Jazlynn's room. I let out a small sigh then something hit me.

"Ow." I growled rubbing my head.

"Whos there?! Are you a ghost? If you are Im gonna whoop your-" I cut the person off.

"Its me Jasmine." I whispered.

"Ohh haha sorry, Jas I thought you were a ghost or something. Its me, Jaz by the way." She said laughing a little.

"Why did you throw somthing at me?" I asked.

"LIsten Linda, I dont do that ghost shit. When i hear something I flip the fuck out." She said.

Linda? Whos-" I was interrupted with Julia opening the closet doors.

"Found you two." She cheered.

"God damn it!" Jaz yelled and we both got out.

"Who else did you find?"  I asked..

"Just you two and Briana, but shes down stairs eating." Julia said and pointed down the steps.

"Eating?! Without me? Briana dont touch another God damn thing without me!" Jaz yelled and ran downstairs.

"And then there were two." I said making Julia giggle.

"Well help me find everyone else." She said and drug me along with her.

After Julia and I found everyone we decided to play Bull the card game. Jazlynn's annoying ass kept bulling everyone so everyone kept taking there cards back.

"One 5.'' I said and put down my card

"BULL!!" Jaz screamed.


"Sorry its a habit." She laughed.

"She always does this." Julia mumbled annoyed.

"Its to prevent people from winning, they take the cards so I loose more." She explained.

"Its just a fucking game! Can't you just let one of us win?" Jaison asked.

"Yeah, I'm letting myself win."

"Three 6's." Chubba said and put down his last three cards.

"BULL!" Jaz yelled again.

"NOPE BITCH!! TAKE THE DAMN CARDS!!!" Chubba yelled and threw the cards  at Jazlynn.

"Its raining cards." She laughed.

''About time someone won other than Jaz!" Ryan yelled.

"Offensive! I could've won too, if it werent for LENA shuffling the deck all badly!" She yelled looking at Lena.

"Well you kept bulling everyone!" I yelled.

"Only so I could win!" She yelled.

"Im never playing that game wih you again." I mumbled and walked off into the kitchen.

"Hey! While your in there can you get me some food?!?" I heard Ryan yell.

"No! Come in here and get it yourself!"

"What about me?" Jaz asked.

"Hell no! After that game, Im not doing anything for you anymore!" I yelled

"Awwwww pweaseee?" She begged.

"No!" I yelled.

"You know what fine!"She yelled.

"You dont even have any food! You and briana ate it all!"

"We were hungry, ok?!" Briana yelled.

"Wel what am I supposed to do?" I asked walking out of the kitchen.

"TO LANDIS!!!" Joey yelled.

"YAASSSS BETCH!!!" Julia and Jaz yelled at the same time

"Im in a house full of idiots." I mumbled to myself.

"Heard that! And thats offensive!" Lena yelled.

"Its true." I mumbled.

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