Chapter 8

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Briana's POV

I woke up and freaked out cause when I opened my eyes i saw CHUBBA, I check my phone to see what time it is and I have a lot of notifications from Instagram so i open my phone and go to it. When i open Instagram my mouth drops wide open when i see me and Chubba making out and how many likes it got. I was about to say something before I heard a blood hurdling scream. It sounded like Julia. I jumped up and ran downstairs from where the scream came from.

"JULIA!!?" I yelled.

No answer.

"JULIA!!!?" I yelled again.

I walked into the kitchen and saw her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Theres's so much food." She smiled, staring at the open fridge.

"I fell asleep in chubbas arms! I was so happy when I woke up!" I said.

"YOU LIKE CHUB..." she said before i put my hand over herr mouth

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