Chapter 8: The Fu?!

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(I know Cryaotic and The Fu a.k.a Jacob and Josh probably don't have any connections but I just had to add The Fu in my story because they're one of my favorite youtubers! ~On with the story~!) 

Your P.O.V 

You woke up to a knock at Cry's door. "Pewdie how are you up already?!" You whispered to yourself as you looked at the clock ny the couch you slept on. The time read '2:00 am'. You walked over to the door and opened it. An Asian (Again not trying to be racist but The Fu brothers race is Asian so sorry if I offend anybody.) guy with glasses smiled at you. 

"Hi!" He said cheerfully. 

"Who are you?" You said, yawning. 

"I'm Jacob.. Jacob Fu, You know from the youtube channel 'The Fu'." He said quietly. You gasped. 

"Your Jacob Fu!" You yelled happily. 

"Shhh!" He sushed you. 

"So where is  your brother Josh?" You asked him. 

"He got food poisioning yesterday, He had to go to the hospital and get an IV." Jacob said. 

"So what are you doing here?" You asked him quietly. 

"Ryan told me there was a girl here, And that she sang." He said. 

"Yeah. I-I sing." You said. 

"Well could I borrow you for a second then?" He asked you quietly. 

"Yeah just let me grab my stuff.." You said as you walked over and put your Mac Book Pro ® in your messanger bag, slug the bag on your right shoulder and walked out the door with Jacob.

"I don't have a car yet..." You said looking at the ground.

"You can drive with me!" Jacob said happily. You walked over to his car and sat in the passenger seat and shut the door. Luckily you still had your winter coat on, It was going to be freezing today, Especially at 2:00 am it was cold. 

"So what is it that you want me to do exactly?" You asked Jacob. 

"I want you to sing a song to my brother Josh." He said. 

"Do you know how to play guitar?" He aked you.

"Yeah, I do..." You said. 

"Okay good." He said happily. 

~Time skip to The Fu's house~

"We're here!" Jacob said as he pulled the car into the driveway. You and Jacob walked into the house together. The first thing Jacob did was go to his room. He came out with a camera, A Mac Book Pro ® and a guitar, which he handed to you. You both tip-toed to the door of Josh's room. Jacob slowly opened the door. Josh layed on his bed with the covers over his whole body. Jacob set up the tripod with the camera on it next to Josh's bed. 

"Just sing anything you want to about loving Josh." He said smiling. He went and sat on the edge of Josh's bed and recorded the introduction of the video.  Jacob pointed at the guitar and motioned for you to start playing it.

"Josh Fu I know you feel like poo." You sang with a confused look on your face.

"And I hope you get better soon, Because your half The Fu." You continued to sing. 

"Every one around the world hopes you don't have the flu.." You continued to sing. 

"Josh Fu, Joshy, Josy, Joshy Fu. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do." You sang. 

"Josh Fu, Joshy, Joshy, Joshy Fu, We love you." You sang, finishing the song. 

"Alright I am gonna leave now before he gets pissed..." You said and ran/Tip-toed out of the room. 

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