update #3

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So i need help with putting hyoga and shun in this stories, i need your help, i want your opinion in where you want to put hyoga and shun en your favorite series, comics, anime, video games or movies( and no they won't be with seiya, ikki and shiryu those are separated story's) who has the most votes will win and ill make the story .




Video games:


And 3 things first is it cool with you guy(or girls) if i make a mini story or a one-shot, like ikki x fem jason or seiya x mercy.

Second the time line of ikki is between volume 2 and 3, of shiryu is before galactus appearsor or silver surfer and for seiya is justice league crisis on two earths and some villains will be women hears a clue( reve_ _ _, z_ _, sin_ st_ _ and l_ _).

Third theres a story for shun but it's exclusive for the spanish fans, well thats it thanks for your support with this storys.

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