pegasus in DC part 5

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In another earth, the crime syndicate prepares for the second attack on the other earth.

Ultraman: well is everyone here.

Superwoman: some aren't here, Deathstorm He is add star labs creating a weapon and Johnny is with his girlfriend the dwarf.

Johnny: don't talk like that about my girlfriend super slut.

Superwoman: say it one more time and I will castrate you.

???: please don't fight.

Superwoman: Oh shut up, why don't you cry in the corner like always.

???: Enough we are preparing an invasion here.

Superwoman: owlman is right.

Ultraman: well since everyone is calm now we will start the meeting, as you know we have made contact with the other earth, we will start with phase four and one phase in case the invasion fails, owlman.

Owlman: As you know, phase four will be carried out, the first was completed, now the second phase follows, first it will start with an attack by three teams, the leaders will be: Power Ring, Johnny Quick and finally Superwoman.

Power ring: so Well, when does the invasión stars.

An angry voice is heard in power ring head.

???: Shut up and recharge me now.

Power ring: yes, yes, im sorry.

On earth one

Wonder woman: You're sure the boy is safe with your cousin Superman.

Superman: I'm sure he'll be in good hands, call John here so i can communicate to all the members of the league.

Martin Manhunter appears on the ceiling below them.

Martian manhunter: ready.

Superman: Attention all members of the league, yesterday there was an invasion from another earth stay alert if you see someone unknown, understood, well now let's look for them.

Wonder woman walked the halls when she feels a power she knows.

Wonder woman: what is this, it feels like the power of Hades himself.

Wonder woman went to see where it came from until she reached the room where Seiya was.

Wonder woman: By Hera that is the sword of Hades in that boy's chest, I must take the sword from him before it kill him, for Hera give me strength.

When wonder woman took the sword away from seiya, he started screaming in pain until she took the sword from his chest.

Wonder woman: it is done now he will recover for tomorrow, but what is happening.

Out of nowhere the sword disappears from Diana's hand, Seiya wakes up disturbed as if the weight is taken off him.

Seiya: wait what happened.

Wonder woman: You were stabbed with the sword of Hades but I took it from you and now you can fight like a true warrior.

Seiya: thanks, aaahhh.

Diana: diana and you

Seiya: seiya, saint and protector of the goddess athena.

Diana: You are one of the protectors of the goddess Athena, I remember one of the stories that my mother told me as a child about a group of knights who protected Athena with their lives.

Seiya: wait so also the gods of this world fight each other too.

Diana: no, they don't do that like before, that's good.

Seiya: Great but now that I'm better now I can fight.

Diana: Easy there, for now I will take your armor to repair it for your future fights, while you rest you will have a visit.

Seiya: from who.

Diana: From a friend of superman, she will keep you company while you recover, oh i think she's here.

The door opens and a blonde girl appears.

???: hello diana it is good to see You again, how you are doing

Diana: good thanks Kara, now I want to introduce you to Seiya, I want you to keep him company while im gone ok.

Kara: understood Diana, hello my name is Kara, what's yours.

Seiya: Seiya, Nice to meet you.

On another side of an alley in metropolis a portal openeds up and superwoman comes out

Superwoman: good let the hunt begins.

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