pegasus in DC part 6

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Seiya quickly wakes up to escape the watchtower without anyone seeing him.

Seiya: no trouble on siete, time to go.

He ran through all the corridors of the watchtower until he was stopped by Kara.

Seiya: I'm sorry Kara, but I have to go stop them.

Kara: Don't worry, I was also going to escape to stop those damn Doppelgänger, but first we have to find you clothes.

Seiya: your right, i need some clothes.

Kara: Wait here a minute.

Kara returned with a red shirt and jeans, Seiya was surprised by what he saw how fast Kara was.

Kara: let's see, try it on.

Seiya: what do you think.

Kara: we talk about it later, we have to find them now let's go.

In metropolis, superwoman threw a bus at a building.

Superwoman: citizens of metropolis, this is an invasion, if you want to live you must swear allegiance to the crime syndicate.

At that, seiya and Kara arrived to stop superwoman.

Superwoman: well, well, until you finally arrived you already thought about my offer.

Seiya: yes and my answer is no, so get ready to fight.

Superwoman: Okay, but first i need yo get rid of the competition, starting with her.

Kara: wait what...

Superwoman throws herself at Kara destroying the street where Seiya was.

Seiya: Kara!!

Seiya runs to where Kara was, but sees superwoman knocked out on the floor and Kara in a superman-like outfit but with a skirt.

Kara: really she thought she would beat me just like tha...

Kara is caught and lifted by a green colored hand.

Power ring: got you, now get out of here.

Kara is thrown and Power Ring looks at Seiya.

Power ring: wait serious, this is the guy that superwoman wants to catch, this will be easy.

Seiya: I may not have my armor, but I will keep fighting until my last breath.

Power ring sees how seiya shines until a pegasus appears behind srita.

Power Ring: oh shit.

Seiya: Pegasus Suisei Ken!!

Power ring falls to the floor, Kara reaches where Seiya is and sees if he's okay.

Kara: wow, I thought you were someone weak but now that I see it, I should never make you angry.

Seiya: enough talk, we have to stop an interdimensional invasion here.

Kara: You're right, I'll call someone I know to lock them up while we search for the missing ones.

???: Hi kara, how can I help you today.

Kara: I need you to call the league to pick up these two.

???: don't worry help is on the way.

While they wait, Johnny Quick watches as the Power Ring and Superwoman are taken away.

Johnny Quick: damn fools don't know how to follow orders, Johnny Quick to Ultraman, they captured power ring and superwoman.

Ultraman: Starts the backup plan.

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