Meeting Robert&Zach Girlfriends

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When me and Austin got back to the condo, we walked through the door and into the kitchen.

When I walked round the corner, Robert and Zach were in there with, I'm guessing there girlfriends.

Zach's girlfriend has, dirty blond hair which was loosely curled and stopped just below her shoulder blades. She had the most bright blue eyes with a hint of green in them, to make them stand out more she'd put a thin layer of eyeliner on her top lid. She had minimal make-up on which was good because she's gorgeous. She looked to be about 5'5, she had on a pair or skinny jeans and a white tank top on. Plain and simple but effective.

"Hi I'm Hannah." The dirty blond spoke up. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hi I'm Charlotte." I say. Hannah held her hand out for me to shake it but I decline and give her a hug. "I prefer hugs, there more welcoming." I say politely, while pulling back.

Roberts girlfriend has dark brown hair, which was longer than Hannah's and straightened. It landed at about the middle of her back. She was different to Hannah, she wore high waisted shorts and a crop top. She was gorgeous too, she had an amazing figure to show. She wore minimal make-up just like Hannah, that's one thing they do not need, is make-up they're both flawless.

Then there is me stood there feeling really insecure. These two girls a beautiful and then there is plain old me. I feel uncomfortable in myself now.

"Hi I'm Irene." Roberts girl said. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hi I'm Charlotte." I say nicely and give her a hug. I slowly pull away from the hug and hang my head low and walk out of the kitchen. I let a tear slip from my eyes.

Why can't I be pretty like them two? Why do I have to have flaws that are easily noticed?

As I was walking I bumped into someone, that someone was Michele.

"Lottie you ok?" She asks while bending down to look at my face as I refused to lift my head. "Why are you crying?" She asked concerned. "AUSTIN!" She shouted.

"No please don't tell him I'm crying. please" I cried. She looked at me with worried eyes. Then I heard feet coming towards us. I did something I know I shouldn't have. I looked him straight in the eyes.

Then I ran to my room. I slammed the door shut and walked out onto my balcony and cried so hard.

"Why do I have to be so ugly? how can Austin love me I'm ugly!" I said out loud. That is one thing I tend to do when I'm angry or sad or upset is say how I feel out loud and it helps.

"Why?" Someone said. "I am." I say while letting another tear slip out.

"You are not ugly. You're beautiful, you're gorgeous, you're my princess. You're everything but ugly. Yes everyone has flaws but your flaws are what make you perfect to me. Just because Robert and Zach's girlfriends are pretty you don't need to put yourself down. To me your more than pretty. Beautiful. That's all you'll ever be is beautiful to me. You're everything else as well. You're perfect to me" Austin says.

All I could do was cry a little more and hug him so tight. "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. You know how to make things right. You're perfect to me." I say and slowly kiss his lips. This continued for a couple more minutes until Austin pulled away and got up. He grabbed the blanket of my bed and wrapped it around us both.

And that is how we fell asleep. Me in Austin's warm embrace, my face leaning against his chest and his chin on my head.

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