Wedding Morning!

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..Austin's POV..

Two months had past and today is finally our wedding day. We finally get to say our 'I do's'.

I can't wait to call Lottie Mrs Mahone, my wife. My beautiful wife with our baby on the way only three more months then we get to meet little Payton Jai Mahone.

I'm in a hotel with the guys getting ready as Lottie said she didn't want me to se her in her dress even though I've already seen her in it but her wish is my command.

So at the moment I'm pacing back and forth and the day hasn't even begun. At the moment only Robert and Zach are dressed, Alex is half dressed, Dave only has pants and socks on and I'm in my boxers as in so nervous.

"Dude you need to chill out." Alex says standing in front of me, with his hands in my shoulders.

"I can't chill where is PSanders. I need him here now and changed." I exclaim while sitting at the end of my bed with my face in my hands and then running my hands through my hair.

"Austin you need to chill out man, I'm sure he'll be here soon." Dave says calming me down. "And look he's here!" Dave says while PSanders walks through the door of our hotel room and he's fully dressed.

The groomsmen are wearing all black suits, even the ties are blacks. And then my shirt is white and my tie is red.

Everyone is now fully dressed apart from me.

..Charlotte's POV..

I'm sat in the kitchen at the condo currently getting my make-up done and then I'm having my hair done.

I'm say on a chair with white lace bra and panties on with a bathrobe on top and my baby bump is huge.

The lady has put a very light layer of foundation on my face, with a little bit of blush applied to my cheek bones. For my eyelids she did a nude colour, with glitter in it and put eyeliner on the top, which the flicked at the corner or eyes and the eyeliner on the bottom and applied mascara. To finish my make-up she used a nude lipgloss and placed it on my lips.

Once my make-up was finished with, another woman started on my hair. She loosely curled it and then pinned a small amount of hair back in the middle of my head. The left even smaller pieces of curled hair at the front on both sides of my face.

"Wow you look gorgeous Charlotte." Michele comments once she sees my make-up and hair completed. The woman passed Michele a mirror and held it up in front of me where she was now stood.

"Oh my. I look... Pretty." I admit myself. My make-up is placed perfectly, not layers of it, just the perfect amount. I still have time to get ready so I'm going to see what the girls are doing. I walk into my room too see them all in there bridesmaids dresses and are applying there make-up.

They all turned around at once. "Oh my god! Charlotte your make-up is perfect!" Sinead comments. Well all the girls commented on it.

"All you need to do now is put your dress on." Michele states while walking in.

"Ok well can you help me please?" I ask Michele sweetly.

"Of course hunny. Your dress is in my closet anyway, kept it out of the way." She says while leading me to her room.

When we arrived I closed the door behind me and Michele pulled out me dress from the closet, still in its packaging the keeps the dress clean.

After a couple of minutes of me getting my dress on over my bump and Michele helping me, if was finally on. Just as we were about to walk out there was a soft knock on the door followed by my fathers voice.

"Michele are you and Lottie done in there?" My dad asks. "Yeah we are coming out now. Just hold on" Michele speaks up.

"You ready?" Michele whispers and clips the vail into my hair, at the back. The vail flows down my back and ends at the bottom of my back.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be." I breath out. Michele nods and opens the door slowly.

There stood my dad with his back towards us. He had an all back suit, which suited him well. Tbh Austin did well in picking the suits.

My dad slowly turned around, when he had noticed the door had been opened. "Wow!" My dad states speechless.

"You look beautiful!" He says examining me in my dress. I smile and look down at the floor.

My father escorted me out of Michele's room into the living room where everyone was now waiting. Dad had told me that Austin and the guys are all at the venue now and all of the guest are seated and in place, they are just waiting for me.

"Oh my" everyone gasped as I walked into the living room. After a few photos, on my own, with a couple of people, with my dad, with Michele and with everyone we left to go to the church.

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