Chapter 4-secrets upon secrets

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"Follow the black cat, my darling Charlotte"...

"Hah.... Hahaha... You've got to be kidding me".. ---am seriously going to do this?...

     "H-Hey wait up!" ....... -----going through the front door would be too slow, so I just vaulted over the window sill and landed with a squelch in the wet grass...

     "Eww..... Gross".... ----I looked around the garden, try to get my bearings, right in the middle of it was a table, the very same one I'd just dreamt about... On top of it was the black cat... Ambling along the edge.

              "Hey! Where are you going?"

He paused for a moment, bringing his paws up to give it a thoughtful lick..

      "D-dont just ignore me, hey!"..... -----as I reached for him, he turned his little butt on me and crouched down getting ready to jump...

         "Wait!".......... ------he leaped over the garden fence in a single, fluid move.... The bastard!....... He's going into the woods behind our house! I'll lose him if I can't keep up.....

       God this is the dumbest decision I've ever made, but ......there's no way I can turn back now, gritting my teeth, I jump the fence and chased after the black cat into the trees, only flinching slightly as we both were swallowed up by the deep dark night....

     "I'm stupid!, stupid! So so so so stupid!, unbelievable".... -----I was running through the woods behind my house at night, barefoot in my pajamas...

     Chasing a black cat, just because my mum told me in a dream, the same black cat who happens to be a human boy or not...

      Geez Charlotte! You must be insane with grief.... Why am I even doing this? Do I suddenly have a death wish? I'll die if I got lost here, what was I thinking..   

     "God dammit kitty or whatever the heck you are, will you slow down for a moment!... You-

   We'd emerged into a clearing within the woods, it was filled with Flora that I'd never seen before......

      In the middle was a cottage, the black cat sauntered towards the front door which was slightly ajar, I watched his eyes twitched and then he slipped inside...

      "Yep.... I'm officially crazy".... -----taking a deep breath, I stepped through the door..... I half expected some old wrinkle lady to start screaming at me for trespassing..... The inside of the cottage looked like something I'd expect out of....well Hansel and Gretel..

     In the corner was a fireplace with a few cauldron surrounding it..... There was wooden benches and counters, herbs racks  and cupboards filled with mysterious things...

      I was positive that I saw a tentacle twitching out from the corner of my eyes as I passed, as well as many, many other things lurking half seen in the shadows..

    With a flare, the fireplace lit up and I couldn't help letting out a little scream of surprise... The black cat was perched on a stool right in front of it...

      With a yawn he stretch out his front paws and kept stretching,  his black furry body became longer until, the cat was gone... In his place, the boy from before was perched on the edge of the stool..

     His figure was as mesmerizing as ever... I stared at his until he yawned behind his hand, knuckles barely visible under the sleeve...

       "Sorry, I don't go out of the Forest often, or well... At all, I never realized it would be this tiring.... You sure you don't want to just go Back to bed? It would make things easier for uh.... Just me".......

Magical Love (book 3) #Nanowrimo2018 (SLOW UPDATE) Where stories live. Discover now