Chapter 6-New life and friend?

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     "Home huh? That..... Sounds pretty nice, actually"..... -----and for the first time ,he gave me what seemed like a genuinely happy smile........ 

        After a week, my aunt, Luke, Ana and I drove back to town, it kind of felt strange to be going back to school after the life changing event of the past day or so...

     the bodyguards my mum hired before had been dismissed, seeing as I can take  care of myself now,although it took a lot to be able to convinced my aunt, Plus my life feels like a roller coaster....

    Like the fact that I now had a new life companion? Animal buddy? Magic mentor? I still didn't quite know what to make of the black cat, curled up in my lap, he'd been silent for the entire journey, soft and motionless and utterly silent....

      His claws dug into me, as if he was bracing himself against the outside world... Aunt lil and Luke thought I picked up a stray as a way of grieving for the loss of my mum and grandma.... Not entirely inaccurate.....

     Zane was my only links to mum's secret life as a  witch after all, but seeing him like this, so tiny and still...

     "You really miss her too, huh?".... ----the ball of furs didn't respond..... Or you could also be asleep, I guess.... Just like Ana, I turned my head to look at my best friend who was napping in the seat besides me....

      She'd been more quiet than usual these past few days, the rings under her eyes even darker.... I'm Sorry for being such a burden Ana,.....

       Sighing I gently ran my hands across Zane's back.... Not sure if I was trying to smooths him or.... Myself.....

     As the car droned off ,I drifted stubbornly between waking and dreaming, all of a sudden, I felt Zane nuzzle the top of his head against my hand, the motion was so slight.......

     I wasn't sure if it really happened, but for some reason ,that small gesture felt comforting....

    I was finally able to fall asleep has been an exhausting week, in more ways than one, and our work wasn't even nearly over..

     The first thing we did when we got back to the apartment was to set up a protective magic circle or more like I set up the wards while Zane lounged about on the windowsill of my room nibbling on jerky and pointing out every mistakes I was making...

    I've already transformed into a werewolf thereby setting my wolf spirit free, I was supposed to feed on bunnies today to satisfy my bloodlust.....

          "You know, you should probably erase that little bit right there"..... -----he waved his strip of jerky at a part of the circle that I had just crafted..... -----"I'd rather not spend the next decade or so in the lair of a monster".....

      "What? But I..... I just spent fifteen whole minutes on that"...... -----I wasn't tired at all but extremely bored out of my mind...

      "Yeah, it's not gonna work, so fix it!"

I threw my hands up in frustration, kicking the house of cards apart and set on rebuilding it again...

    Zane even managed to stop sunbathing long enough to walk me through the process.... Urghh.... I know I should be impressed by how much he knows about this, but....

        "If you know so much, can't you help me out, am beyond my limit here"...

   Zane just gave me an angelic smile, before leaned back and tearing open an entirely new pack of jerky,he tail was curled around his torso.... ----"nah, I'll pass"...

Magical Love (book 3) #Nanowrimo2018 (SLOW UPDATE) Where stories live. Discover now