Chapter 8- Date/two faced idiot!

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What followed was a date beyond my wildest dreams.......

Ashley got us to a private booth on the top most balcony, overlooking the sea, the tinking of the orchestra floated up to us as we shared desserts over the pot of silver tips tea, Ashley kept up a soft, murmured conversation that seemed to blend into the distant music.

   I couldn't believe how interested he seemed to be in me, he kept asking about my life, where I was from, where I lived, about my family and friends... Even as I answered him with lies that I'd rehearsed over and over again with Zane.

   One thought kept swirling in the back of my mind... Ashley would never be this interested in Charlotte like this, his eyes seemed wider, more lively, as he leaned forwards, head tilted towards me.

He was silhouetted against the setting sun, the warm vibrant tones reflected in his face, his expression seemed more intimate, the brilliance of his gaze focused entirely on me, I could feel energy between us that I had never felt before, Charlotte would never get to see Ashley like this....

      I....... I'm nothing, the real me....... Charlotte.... I'm nothing to him, this is the best I can ever wish for... As the sun slipped away, our conversations slowly dwindled down into a comfortable silence, well probably more comfortable for him than for me, even though Zane and I had prepared an extensive back story for Elena, Ashley had asked me so many things that I'd been forced to come up with more lies on the spot, an orchestra started playing downstairs, so loud I could feel the music thrumming in my chest.

    "They're having a masquerade tonight, the main chamber should be full of strangers with their masks on,slipping in from the night."

    "Well, that feels............somehow poetic." Ashley just chuckled shaking his head slightly as he leaned back in his chair, he was staring at me with what seemed like an expression of utmost fondness..

"Having a mask on all the time is rather exhausting, isn't it?."

     "Oh?." Instead of replying, Ashley stood up and came around to my side of the table... "Oh!." Bending down, he tilted my chin up so that our faces were separated by nothing but a single breath.....

"I'd love to get to know you even more....... Elena." The words came out as a slow, husky whisper, his voice raspy against my skin..... My brain melted, I didn't even blink as his forearm slipped onto my back, pulling me closer to him, if he leaned forward even just a little more, our lips would touch, "you would enjoy that,wouldn't you? You filthy whore!"
Huh? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the glint of something black and sharp between us, before I could react, a fuzzy black blur shot out of the shadows, "Ah!" Zane in cat form, flung himself straight at Ashley, knocking him away from me.

   Something clattered to the floor, my lungs filled with ice when I saw what it was, black gleaming shackles with spikes that pointed inwards - what on earth? - Zane screamed, and my head jerked up out of my horrified stupor, and that's when I noticed, Ashley had pulled his right sleeve back to reveal a wicked, looking chain wrapped around his wrist, the other end was attached to the black shackles on the floor.

      "Relying on your familiar to save ,huh?how pathetic." In that moment, I finally understood everything, his face was twisted, as if he'd just stepped on something utterly disgusting, a slug, perhaps, something moist and soft that had been crushed under his foot, and that something........ Was me!

     With a sharp jerk of his hand, the shackles flew into the air..... Coming straight for me just as I threw a fireball at him... I could see Zane in the distance, ready to knock me out of the way, but as the links of spikes and metal spread out before me like a spider web, I knew it was too late, even though my whole body was screaming out for me to flee, I closed my eyes -- and braced for impact.

  But When I opened my eyes, what greeted me was the night sky, glowing faintly red from the city lights... Huh? I was floating in mid air, with the rushing river below me "I'm.... Flying?" My magic kicked in again! I can just fly away?! But...where is Zane?! A terrifying yowl made my head jerk sharply to the left, to the horror,

       I saw Ashley standing at the edge of the balcony we'd been dinning at... He was resting one foot on the ornate parapet, a hand placed on his hip and the other hand... "You.....!!" Chains and spikes criss-crossed around Zane, wrapping him into a taut little ball of black fur,his big chartreuse eyes were open and glittering furiously, but he wasn't struggling at all, those glowing runes on the chains...... Could they be stopping him from moving?

    I shuddered when I thought of how close I'd been to getting captured by those same chains, casually Ashley dangled him over the river, staring at me with that same brilliant smile...

    "My dear lovely Elena, deserting me in the middle of dinner? How.........discourteous ,by the way,I wouldn't raise my voice if I was an intelligent woman like you." he nodded slightly towards the floor, the sounds of loud music and chatter were still going strong ,that's right.... There's a really loud masquerade going on downstairs.

   "What marvelous festivities we're having tonight, eh?" There was no question about it... He'd deliberately chosen to have dinner in a place like this! There was a little voice in the back of my head screaming at me to fly away immediately, but.... I can't, I can't leave Zane in Ashley hands, images raced through my head, of all the horrible things that Ashley would do to Zane.

  Is this what I convinced him to leave for?tortured at the hands of some twisted teenage sadist? There was so many things I still need to show him, so many things I wanted to do with him, he has been alone all this time..... He deserves to be happy, his story can't end like this!!

  "Let him go!." Shockingly enough my voice was quiet but stable, I was so terrified at this point,my fear had turned into something icy in the pit of my stomach. Something so cold it burned, Ashley just gave me an even kinder smile.

"Go?this early in the evening? But I haven't had the pleasure of dancing with you yet."Taking a few steps back, he sank into a deep bow. Then straightened, reaching an upturned palm out towards me.....-"may I have this dance,My lady?"

     "We'll dance when I wish to, Ashley Smith... On my terms,not yours..."

"Oh is that so,in that case,I guess you can just get on your knees, and suck the dirt off my shoe then."

    "What makes you think--" Ashley flicked his right wrist upwards just a ting fraction of an inch, Zane screamed as the chain tightened around him, the spikes sinking into his flesh, the scream cut off abruptly as he went completely limp, Ashley spread his palm open and Zane fell to the floor with a dull thud, there was a sickening squelch as the chains retracted, wrapping back around Ashley's arm. As I stared at Zane black fur, wet and matted with blood, a scream tore out of my throat.

"You monster!!." Ashley's smile just grew wider, like a crescent moon..

"  Knees now!! "


Dum dum dum! I bet Nobody expected Ashley to turn into that kind of person, and Zane? 😢Pitiful😏..

But still Sorry for the late update folks...

Check my other books.... "Forever yours" ,"the cursed prince." While u wait 4 the next update..😊☺☺☺

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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