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As a hired photographer of a magazine, you were assigned to take wonderful pictures of next month's issue which is all about...

South Korea.

You were given three months to get the job done along with your team, since you will be taking pictures of government officials, normal korean people and of course... celebrities.

"I'll be taking pictures of some sceneries here. You may do what you want in the mean time." You said to your team bowing at you before they left.

Ever since they knew about your education attainment, they started to think highly of you as time goes by. You were like their boss, even though you don't want them to think that way but they still do, and would follow everything you ask them to. They were the ones who reserved the hotel rooms, studios and plane tickets for today which you really appreciated.

You were taking pictures of the wonderful sceneries seen around and smiled as you checked on the photos you took, when all of a sudden... a pair of hands grabbed your camera and took the batteries and memory card off.

"YAH! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" You shouted. You were so angry to even notice how hot and good looking he was.

"I should be the one asking you that. What the hell are you doing?" He asked you.

"Are you blind or something? I'm taking pictures dimwit! Now hand them over!" You shouted and tried to reach for his hand but he raised it where you can't reach him.

"What did you just call me?" He asked in a rather dissappointed look.

"I called you a dimwit. Now would you please hand them over?" You said.

"dimwit." You added before he laughs a bit and glared at you right after.

"You know, I am really amazed to even have fans like you. Taking pictures of me without my permission. What next? Record me while taking a bath and sell it online? Why would you even call yourselves as our fans if all you could do is ruin our private lives? not to mention-" He was cut off by the pain he felt when your foot met his lower part. Yes. You kicked him there and grabbed the batteries and memory card and walked away.

"Who are you calling fans? I don't even know you. tsk!" You said before leaving the place and catch up with the others who were busy wandering around.

"Come on. Let's head to their office." You said as you grumpily went to where your van was parked.


Taking pictures for a magazine is a lot harder than anyone could think, especially South Korea's government officials and other successful businessmen and women of Seoul. Sometimes they would postpone their photoshoot, other times they would cancel it which, made your job a lot harder than it usually does. Since you're were the most patient person in the team (take note of the sarcasm) you tend to schedule it replace them with other officials with more Free time than those who always re-schedules their photoshoots. You're the kind of person who doesn't like forcing people to things they don't want to do so if they reject, then you go find some other people who would accept the offer.

It took almost two months to finish editing and taking pictures of government officials and successful businessmen and women of Seoul. Currently, you are waiting for a group of singers and dancers to appear to the studio, after postponing their photoshoots twice this week.

"Are they still gonna come?" One of your team members asked one of their staff while they apologetically bowed at her. She seemed to look pissed off but she isn't. In fact, she was the most patient team member you have.

"Oh they're here!" One of their staff shouted as my other team members scrambled to make sure everything was in place.

"Remember, they're EXO and you should know that-" You didn't let your team member finish by saying,

"I only take pictures. I don't do articles so it doesn't matter of I know them or not." you said. When you turned to face them, your eyes landed on a pair of familiar ones. You looked at him trying to remember who he was. He, on the other hand, looked really shocked when he saw you. He glared at you and was about to say something when their manager spoke first.

"By the way, I'd like you to meet Voyage Magazine's Photography team with a professional Photographer, miss ________. As you all know, she had a degree in photography in three years after she finished taking up her masters in Business Management so I hope you all behave like normal people and stop interupting her. Okay?" He said. You mentally rolled your eyes before approaching him and whispered,

"I don't need such intoductions and I hope you respect these artists because they're the reason why you're even here. Just saying because... I got my masters and you don't." You tapped him on the shoulder leaving him frozen to his feet as you walked towards the 12 guys who were smiling at you... well except for one. Each of them introduced themselves to you and here comes mr. you don't know who, this time, smiled awkwardly at you.

"I'm Luhan by the way. And.. About some time ago, I uhhh-" You cut him off by smiling, saying

"It's fine. atleast I got to kick EXO's Luhannie on the balls." You heard snorts and silent laughs from behind as Luhan scratched the back of his head shyly.

It took you long before you finished taking pictures of them individually and as a group. You and your team thanked them for their hard work and were cleaning the set when all of a sudden,

"_______? you free tonight? I mean... I just... want to make it up to you. so... want to have dinner with me?" You looked at him confusedly as to why he was talking to you.

"My treat." and with that, you automatically told your members that they could go on ahead without you.

Luhan brought you to this amazing beach front restaurant, which, according to him, took him forever to make a reservation for two a while ago. You both ordered the same meal and waited for the food to come as you both walked towards the seashore. It was really cold and good thing you were able to bring your own coat while Luhan on the other hand left his and was only wearing a shirt and a pair of pants.

"here." You held out your coat since you were already wearing a sweatshirt underneath.

"n-no. It's fine. I-uhh." He wasn't able to object when you placed your coat on around him.

I've always dreamed of someone to offer me his jacket but, why is it the other way around? Not romantic.

"Mianhye. I forgot my coat. Gomawo for this." He whispered as you both sat down on the warm sand, burying your hands under it.

"So, you thought I was some sasaeng fan who would hit you with a DSLR just to take a phot of you huh?" you started to make a conversation which lead to an awkward situation.

"I'm really really sorry for thinking that. It's just that, we were really stressed about it and that was the only day where we can unwind things and just relax but then, I saw you with that ginormous Camera of yours which made me assume that you were one of them. I didn't mean to. Seriously. I'm really really sorry." He said grabbing your hands pleading for your forgiveness.

"dummy. I told you it's fine and I understand. I'm also sorry for kicking you there. I know it's your prized possession and all but I will get fired if I didn't do that. I was taking a picture of the mountain behind you that time by the way so your private life won't be leaked by me." You said as you both laughed at the current situation.

"So how about... we start all over again. Hi. I'm EXO's Luhan. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for you to shake and you grabbed it saying,

"Hi. I'm _______. Nice to meet you too."

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